L’effetto di Permixon (Serenoa Repens) sui recettori degli androgeni

Studio in inglese a cura del dipartimento di ostetricia e ginecologia dell'ospedale dell'università di Ryiadh (Arabia Saudita) sull'effetto di Permixon, dell'estratto liposterolico di Serenoa Repens nella riduzione degli ormoni testosterone e diidrotestosterone nei tessuti presi in esame


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permixon serenoa repens prostamol estratto prostata iperplasia

Title: The effect of Permixon on androgen receptors.
Author: el-Sheikh MM; Dakkak MR; Saddique A
Address: Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, King Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Source: Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 67: 5, 1988, 397-9

Permixon, the liposterolic extract of the plant Serenoa Repens is a recently introduced drug for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. The effect of Permixon on dihydrotestosterone and testosterone binding by eleven different tissue specimens was tested. The drug reduced the mean uptake of both hormones by 40.9% and 41.9% respectively in all tissue specimens.
Since hirsutism and virilism are among other gynecological problems caused either by excessive
androgen stimulation or excess endorgan response, we suggest that Permixon could be a useful treatment in such conditions and recommend further investigations of the possible therapeutic values of the drug in gynecological practice.

Language of Publication English – Unique Identifier 89115768


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