domenica, Gennaio 12, 2025
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Intervista ai creatori di Revivogen


I creatori di Revivogen rispondono alle domande più frequenti degli utilizzatori

Domanda: Can Revivogen be used in conjunction with Rogaine or other Minoxidil containing topicals’
Risposta: Yes and it makes sense too. Revivogen is a DHT inhibitor and Minoxidil is a hair growth stimulator. We have heard many positive comments from people who use both products as well as those who were using Minoxidil before using Revivogen However the products must be applied at least three hours apart to prevent any absorption interference.

Domanda: As far as I know the hair problem is NOT about hair loss, BUT about lack of hair growth. Why should I use my money on Revivogen if it only reduces hair loss rate to a normal level, and only “a smaller percentage” report regrowth?
Risposta: The problem in hair loss is not lack of hair regrowth. It is shortening of the anagen phase and miniaturization of the hair follicle due to DHT. Revivogen works very similar to Propecia by reducing DHT production. Therefore, you can expect similar results without the potential side effects. However not everyone responds to Propecia or Rogaine which is also true with Revivogen

Domanda: Propecia protects the hair follicle. If you take it, at least your follicles will live long enough to see the next wonder drug. Products such as Minoxidil only force the dying follicle to try to keep producing hair. End result on Propecia is a healthy follicle as long as Propecia is around. End result on Minoxidil is a dying follicle on life support. Can you comment on this, and on which side of the fence Revivogen falls’ Is it simply coercing the follicle into activity, or is it actually protecting the follicle from further damage’
Risposta: At this time Revivogen is very similar to finasteride in regards to mode of action i.e. inhibiting 5 AR types I and II. It also contains ingredients that prevent DHT’s attachment to the androgen receptors. Your statement about the benefits of Rogaine and Propecia is not entirely correct and we can not tell you exactly which one of these scenarios apply to Revivogen We believe that all of these products can perform these functions to some extent but you are welcome to make your own assessment based on these facts.

Domanda: Do I need a doctor’s permission to obtain Revivogen?
Risposta: No. Revivogen is a natural product and as doesn’t need a prescription

Domanda: You stated that while a significant number of your users experienced a significant decrease of fallout and an increase in thickness, a smaller percentage of your users had reported visual growth of baby fine hairs throughout the scalp including the frontal area. How much is a smaller percentage’
Risposta: The data we have was not statistically significant. We will be able to provide additional information with the completion of the clinical trial.

Domanda: Have you seen any instances of “shedding” with Revivogen?
Risposta: It seems that many topicals put the user through phases where heavy loss is possible.

Domanda: Can you disclose the concentrations of ingredients in your products’
Risposta: Due to patent pending status of Revivogen we can’t disclose these details at this time.

Domanda: You recommend applying Revivogen once daily. Is this sufficient to cause maximum beneficial effects’
Risposta: In our own internal study we have seen adequate results while using Revivogen once daily. Also once daily applying has shown to increase compliance which is a very important factor in achieving results. After all continuous use is the most important factor for achieving results. However applying Revivogen more than once can have increased efficacy in some individuals and may in fact be necessary for certain individuals.

Domanda: Your product contains Niacin which stimulates blood flow and hence leads to temporary redness where applied. Would this be overtly noticeable if it were applied during the day in the workplace’
Risposta: Generally the redness of Niacin last about half an hour to 1 hour and it is generally unnoticeable by most individuals. Also we have recently reduced the Niacin content of the formula so it can be easily used by those with sensitive skin.

Domanda: Does your research indicate how much the Revivogen Shampoo contributes to the products effectiveness.
Risposta: Revivogen shampoo has the same active ingredients found in the Scalp Therapy formula. It can only enhance the effectiveness of the formula and it is not effective when used alone. The reason is that any shampoo regardless of brand or active ingredients can not effectively deliver its active ingredients to the hair follicle due to the short amount of time it remains on the scalp.

Domanda: Ingredients used topically do get absorbed into the bloodstream don’t they? and even though the product is natural, could the product still cause unwanted side effects like pain in the testicles, enlarged breasts or any other unwanted side effects’
Risposta: All active ingredients can get absorbed into the blood stream but at a extremely low concentrations. There is long history of using these ingredients both orally and topically at much higher doses without any side-effects. It is only when these ingredients are applied locally at a high concentration that they can have antiandrogenic effects which is why oral supplements of these ingredients can’t work as well.

Domanda: The very fact that you would produce a topical DHT inhibitor implies that you don’t feel that blood levels of DHT are significant in balding. Can you justify this point of view or provide evidence to support it?
Risposta: The blood levels of DHT may play a minor role in Androgenetic Alopecia but it is the locally produced DHT which plays the major role. If you look at any physiology text book (such as Guyton’s Medical Physiology) you can see that the majority of DHT production takes place at the site where it exerts its effects. Also there is a high concentration of type 2 isoenzyme within the hair follicle itself and a higher concentration of the type 1 form within the scalp and sebaceous glands which feed into the hair follicle. Together they can produce more DHT locally than what blood brings to the hair follicle. Also most researchers now believe that it is the locally produced DHT that is involved in Androgenetic Alopecia rather than the circulatory DHT. Finally there is new evidence about effectiveness of topical inhibition of DHT on hair growth by Dr. Christiano which provides support for this theory.

Domanda: Do you have any proof of which type(s) of 5 alpha reductase (type 1 or type 2, or both) are inhibited by the fatty acids in your product?
Risposta: The studies done on these fatty acids indicates that they inhibit both types 1 and 2 forms of 5AR equally from 90% to 98%. The complete abstract of these studies can be viewed on our web site.

Domanda: Do you have any proof of which type(s) of 5 alpha reductase (type 1 or type 2, or both) are inhibited by the Azelaic Acid in your product?
Risposta: We are unaware of any studies describing which type of 5AR is inhibited by Azelaic acid.

Domanda: Has it been tested on human subjects to determine if it’s non irritating?
Risposta: Yes. On the internal studies we noted mild scalp irritation in less than 2% of the subjects which was temporary and self limiting. The irritation was mainly due to Niacin which is an irritant and causes vasodilatation which helps in absorption.

Domanda: Has it been tested on human subjects to determine its level of DHT suppression?
Risposta: The original studies on the inhibition rate of 5AR by the main active ingredients were performed in vivo (on live non human subjects) as well as in vitro (in the test tube) which has proven that DHT production is inhibited by these ingredients up to 98%. Some of the testing such as Saw Palmetto studies also involved human subjects which have shown very good results.

Domanda: What results could a typical responder expect vs. those of an “ideal” responder, like those in the photographs you have published from your preliminary trials’
Risposta: In general there is a significant decrease in hair loss and re-thickening of baby fine hairs within 3 to 6 months of use. The improvement continues with use and ultimately the results depend on many factors including the degree of hair loss, the length of time since the hairs have fallen, and age.

Domanda: For any of your customers who have had success with the product, will you allow us to talk to them, by invitation?
Risposta: We place a very high value on our customers privacy and we can not release that information to anyone. However many of our clients can eventually be found in news groups such as alt.baldspot or HairlossTalk chat room.

Domanda: Was your product scrutinized under independent clinical trials, and if so, what were the results’
Risposta: We are currently working on such a study so we can better evaluate Revivogen’s effectiveness. However as mentioned, earlier independent research on topical application of GLA and Saw Palmetto Extract has shown very positive effects on hair growth.

Domanda: How long has Revivogen been around, and how successful has it been for those who have used it? Can it grow hair on the front as well as on the crown?
Risposta: We have been experimenting with formula for the past three years and the product was officially introduced on October of 1999. So far the majority of customers have reported significant decrease of hair loss and increased in thickness of the baby fine hair and existing hair. A smaller percentage of users have reported visual growth of baby fine hairs all over the scalp including the frontal area. So far this is very much in line with what we observed in our clinical study.

Domanda: I’m responding very well to 1/4 tablet of Propecia daily, but I haven’t responded to topicals at all. I don’t see how a topical can be as good as a drug. How could Revivogen be as effective as Propecia?
Risposta: Propecia is the first FDA approved medication that targets the main source of hair loss DHT by inhibiting 5-alpha-reductase the enzyme that converts Testosterone to DHT. Propecia only inhibits type 2 form of the enzyme up to 70%. Revivogen works through the same mechanism but can be applied topically. The main active ingredients of Revivogen GLA, ALA and Linoleic Acid have been clinically proven to block both type 1 and 2 forms of 5AR EQUALLY up to 98% when applied topically. In addition Saw Palmetto Extract which is also used in the Revivogen formula has been proven to mainly act by blocking the attachment of DHT to its receptors on the hair follicle regardless of the enzyme type which produces it.

Domanda: Is Revivogen effective for regrowth at the hairline’
Risposta: We have seen very good results with the hair line in general but we can not claim that Revivogen prevents hair loss, grows hair, or regrows hair. This is due to FDA regulations that considers any product making such claims as a New Drug (even if the ingredients are natural) and requires FDA testing and approval which can take 7-10 years and millions of dollars to complete. Also results vary from person to person and depend on many factors including the degree of hair loss, the length of time the hair loss has occurred and age which is also true for Rogaine and Propecia.

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