per Marlin e Julien, parere


9 Maggio 2004
Molte volte quando si parla di differenze nell'aga tra caucasici e orientali, mi viene il dubbio che si tratti realmente di qualcosa di genetico e non di un abbaglio preso da alcuni recenti studi, eppure per la miopia, affezione altrettanto diffusa al giorno d'oggi, sono stati individuati due geni differenti per caucasici e asiatici:

Questo per dire che è molto probabile che gli studi sull'aga asiatica e la sua differenza rispetto alla nostra aga. potrebbero essere ben fondati e quindi che le cure pure potrebbero essere, magari solo in parte, differenti.

Questo, secondo me, rivaluterebbe anche il ruolo del clima e dell'alimentazione a livello però evolutivo, lasciando forse intravedere qualche possibile percorso terapeutico con vitamine e loro analoghi (oltre che con altre sostanze come omega 3 e dintorni).


MA - r l i n


kaspar hauser

18 Novembre 2009
Rooibos sugli scudi!

J Ethnopharmacol. 2010 Sep 9. [Epub ahead of print]

Effects of rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) on oxidative stress and
biochemical parameters in adults at risk for cardiovascular disease.

Marnewick JL, Rautenbach F, Venter I, Neethling H, Blackhurst DM,
Wolmarans P, Macharia M.
Oxidative Stress Research Centre, Faculty of Health and Wellness
Sciences, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Bellville, South


ETHNOPHARMACOLOGICAL RELEVANCE: In South Africa, the plant Aspalathus
linearis (Brum.f) Dahlg. (Fabaceae) is traditionally used as a tea
referred to as rooibos or redbush. This plant has been listed as a
medicinal plant based mostly on anecdotal evidence.
AIMS OF THE STUDY: Despite a long history of traditional use in South
Africa, very little scientific data is available from controlled
clinical trials confirming its popular use. The aim of the present
study was to investigate the effect of rooibos on biochemical and
oxidative stress parameters in adults at risk for cardiovascular
MATERIALS AND METHODS: After a washout period of two weeks, 40
volunteers consumed six cups of fermented/traditional rooibos daily
for six weeks, followed by a control period. Blood biochemical
parameters indicative of antioxidant activity and content (total
polyphenols), lipid peroxidation (conjugated dienes -CD,
thiobarbituric acid reactive substances - TBARS), redox status (total
glutathione -tGSH, ratio of reduced to oxidized glutathione-GSH:GSSG),
lipid profile (total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein -LDL and
high density lipoprotein-HDL cholesterol and triacylgycerol levels)
and liver and kidney function were measured at the end of each study
RESULTS: Plasma antioxidant capacity was not altered, but plasma total
polyphenol levels increased significantly after rooibos consumption
compared with the control levels (from 79.8±16.9mg/L to
89.8±14.1mg/L). Significant decreases in plasma markers of lipid
peroxidation were found after rooibos consumption, as reported by
levels of CDs (167.3±29.5 nmol/mL vs. 108.8±20.1 nmol/mL) and TBARS
(1.9±0.6#956;mol/L vs. 0.9±0.3#956;mol/L). Reduced glutathione (797±238#956;mol/L
vs. 1082±140#956;mol/L) and the GSH:GSSG ratio (41±14 vs. 76±17) were both
significantly increased after consumption of rooibos. The lipid
profiles showed that rooibos consumption, compared with the control
values, significantly decreased serum LDL-cholesterol (4.6±1.3mmol/L
vs. 3.9±0.7mmol/L) and triacyglycerols (1.7±0.8mmol/L vs.
1.2±0.7mmol/L), while HDL-cholesterol (0.9±0.1mmol/L vs.
1.2±0.2mmol/L) was significantly increased.
CONCLUSION: Confirming its popular use, consumption of fermented,
traditional rooibos significantly improved the lipid profile as well
as redox status, both relevant to heart disease, in adults at risk for
developing cardiovascular disease.
PMID: 20833235 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Considerando che i livelli ematici di glutatione, ed in particolare il rapporto GSH:GSSG, sembrano essere strettamente collegati con i benefici della restrizione calorica e con l'invecchiamento in generale (vedi studi qui sotto), direi che possiamo sostituire/integrare l'oramai classico tè verde con questa bevanda sudafricana. Senza dimenticare l'anti-aging per eccellenza, ovvero la tazzina di caffè.

Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2008 Oct-Nov;60(13-14):1545-52. Epub 2008 Jul 4.
Pro-oxidant shift in glutathione redox state during aging.
Rebrin I, Sohal RS.
Department of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of
Southern California, Los Angeles, California 90089, USA.
The GSH:GSSG ratio, which is the primary determinant of the cellular
redox state, becomes progressively more pro-oxidizing during the aging
process due to an elevation in the GSSG content and a decline in the
ability for de novo GSH biosynthesis. The K(m) of glutamate-cysteine
ligase (GCL), the rate-limiting enzyme in de novo GSH biosynthesis,
significantly increases during aging, which would adversely affect the
ability for rapid GSH biosynthesis, especially under stressful
conditions. Experimental studies suggest that age-related accumulation
of homocysteine, an intermediate in the trans-sulfuration pathway, may
be responsible for causing the loss of affinity between GCL and its
substrates. Over-expression of GCL has been shown to prolong the life
span of Drosophila by up to 50%, suggesting that perturbations in
glutathione metabolism play a causal role in the aging process.
PMID: 18652861 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]PMCID: PMC2585506

Prog Clin Biol Res. 1989;287:241-6.
Blood glutathione: a biochemical index of life span enhancement in the
diet restricted Lobund-Wistar rat.
Lang CA, Wu WK, Chen T, Mills BJ.
Department of Biochemistry, University of Louisville School of
Medicine, Kentucky 40292.
These experimental results demonstrate that dietary restriction in
both conventional and germfree rats results in enhanced longevity
compared to fullfed animals. This increase in median survival age was
due to a delay of 8 months in the onset of mortality in the restricted
rats. Thereafter the aging rates of the short-lived subpopulations
were the same for both groups. However, the aging rate of the long-
lived restricted subpopulation was greater. The blood glutathione
profiles demonstrated that a GSH deficiency of aging occurred in both
the restricted and the long-lived groups. These data confirmed in the
rat the findings observed previously in mosquito, mouse and man and
verified the generality of the GSH and longevity relationship. Of
special interest is that the blood glutathione levels were
consistently higher at all ages of the restricted compared to fullfed
rats and decreased more slowly during senescence. These findings
indicate a direct relationship between enhanced GSH status and
increased longevity due to dietary restriction. Further this suggests
that glutathione may be a molecular mechanism for the diet restriction
and longevity phenomenon.
PMID: 2922431 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE

Free Radic Biol Med. 2003 Sep 15;35(6):626-35.
Effects of age and caloric restriction on glutathione redox state in mice.
Rebrin I, Kamzalov S, Sohal RS.

Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90033, USA.
The main purpose of this study was to determine whether the aging process in the mouse is associated with a pro-oxidizing shift in the redox state of glutathione and whether restriction of caloric intake, which results in the extension of life span, retards such a shift. Amounts of reduced and oxidized forms of glutathione (GSH and GSSG, respectively) and protein-glutathione mixed disulfides (protein-SSG) were measured in homogenates and mitochondria of liver, kidney, heart, brain, eye, and testis of 4, 10, 22, and 26 month old ad libitum-fed (AL) mice and 22 month old mice fed a diet containing 40% fewer calories than the AL group from the age of 4 months. The concentrations of GSH, GSSG, and protein-SSG vary greatly (approximately 10-, 30-, and 9-fold, respectively) from one tissue to another. During aging, the ratios of GSH:GSSG in mitochondria and tissue homogenates decreased, primarily due to elevations in GSSG content, while the protein-SSG content increased significantly. Glutathione redox potential in mitochondria became less negative, i.e., more pro-oxidizing, as the animal aged. Caloric restriction (CR) lowered the GSSG and protein-SSG content. Results suggest that the aging process in the mouse is associated with a gradual pro-oxidizing shift in the glutathione redox state and that CR attenuates this shift.

PMID: 12957655 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]PMCID: PMC2837076


21 Marzo 2005
>>direi che possiamo sostituire/integrare l'oramai classico tè verde con questa bevanda sudafricana.

E' anche un valido antimutageno . Esiste nella varietà non fermentata e pare sia più efficace.
Strettamente imparentata al roibos (Aspalatus Linaris) è l'Honeybush (Cyclopia Genistoides) che al posto dei calconi e flavonoidi è ricca di xantoni e isoflavoni. Anch'esso ha interessanti proprietà.
Sono inoltre té che si abbinano bene ad essere speziati (cannella, chiodi di garofano e zenzero)
Cmq direi che non sostituisce il té (che ha effetti differenti, anche da un punto di vista psicotropo). Meglio variare e ciclizzare non eccedendo in nulla.


9 Maggio 2004
Ok per il rooibos, rispetto al the verde ha però un estratto costosissimo, mentre come bevanda mi pare abbastanza abbordabile.

Del caffè si dice anche che faccia invecchiare, soprattutto la pelle e gli annessi, ma a quanto ho capito il problema starebbe negli effetti della caffeina sul sistema nervoso (ansia, nausea, palpitazioni e soprattutto insonnia).


MA - r l i n


21 Marzo 2005
>>come bevanda mi pare abbastanza abbordabile

Nel merito ho trovato questo fornitore tedesco su E-bay
Il prezzo all'etto è ottimo (almeno rispetto alle erboristerie in cui l'ho trovato, circa 4Euro/100g) e il prodotto dura a lungo.

kaspar hauser

18 Novembre 2009
Posto che è oramai assodato che il caffè macchia i denti, che può dare ansia se bevuto senza moderazione, che se hai la gastrite è meglio astenersi, tralasciando insomma questi (unici dimostrati) terrificanti effetti collaterali restano i (molti dimostrati) benefici:

Reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease and Dementia

Several studies comparing moderate coffee drinkers (defined as 3-5 cups per day) with light coffee drinkers (defined as 0-2 cups per day) found that those who drank more coffee were significantly less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease later in life.[2][3] A longitudinal study in 2009 found that moderate coffee drinkers had reduced risk of developing dementia in addition to Alzheimer's disease.[4]

Reduced risk of gallstone disease

Drinking caffeinated coffee has been correlated with a lower incidence of gallstones and gallbladder disease in both men[5] and women[6] in two studies performed by the Harvard School of Public Health. A lessened risk was not seen in those who drank decaffeinated coffee. A recent study showed that roast coffee protected primary neuronal cells against hydrogen peroxide-induced cell death.[7]

Reduced risk of Parkinson's disease
A study comparing heavy coffee drinkers (3.5 cups a day) with non-drinkers found that the coffee drinkers were significantly less likely to contract Parkinson's disease later in life.[8] Likewise, a second study found an inverse relationship between the amount of coffee regularly drunk and the likelihood of developing Parkinson's disease.[9]

Cognitive performance
Many people drink coffee for its ability to increase short term recall.[10]
Likewise, in tests of simple reaction time, choice reaction time, incidental verbal memory, and visuospatial reasoning, participants who regularly drank coffee were found to perform better on all tests, with a positive relationship between test scores and the amount of coffee regularly drunk. Elderly participants were found to have the largest effect associated with regular coffee drinking.[11] Another study found that women over the age of 80 performed significantly better on cognitive tests if they had regularly drunk coffee over their lifetimes.[12]

Analgesic enhancement
Coffee contains caffeine, which increases the effectiveness of pain killers, especially migraine and headache medications.[13] For this reason, many over-the-counter headache drugs include caffeine in their formula.

Coffee intake may reduce one's risk of diabetes mellitus type 2 by up to half[7b]. While this was originally noticed in patients who consumed high amounts (7 cups a day), the relationship was later shown to be linear.[14][15]

Liver protection
Coffee can also reduce the incidence of cirrhosis of the liver[16] and has been linked to a reduced risk of hepatocellular carcinoma, a primary liver cancer that usually arises in patients with preexisting cirrhosis.[17] The exact mechanism and the amount of coffee needed to achieve a beneficial effect have long been unclear.[18] The cytokine transforming growth factor (TGF) beta has long been recognized for promoting fibrosis ability acting through the Smad family of transcription factors. In an interesting report recently published in the Journal of Hepatology, Gressner and colleagues provide the first mechanistic context for the epidemiological studies on coffee drinkers by showing that caffeine may have potent anti-fibrotic capabilities through its ability to antagonize the Smad pathway .[19]

Coffee consumption is also correlated to a reduced risk of oral, esophageal, and pharyngeal cancer.[20][21] In ovarian cancer, no benefit was found.[22] In the Nurses' Health Study, a modest reduction in breast cancer was observed in postmenopausal women only, which was not confirmed in decaffeinated coffee.[23] According to one study, coffee protects the liver from cancer.[24] Another preliminary study found a correlation between coffee consumption and a lower risk of aggressive prostate cancer.[25]

According to the longitudial study[26] led by Esther López García of Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, coffee reduces the incidence of dying from heart disease .[27]

Coffee is also a powerful stimulant for peristalsis and is sometimes considered to prevent constipation. However, coffee can also cause excessively loose bowel movements. The stimulative effect of coffee consumption on the colon is found in both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee.[28][29]
Practitioners in alternative medicine often recommend coffee enemas for cleansing of the colon due to its stimulus of peristalsis, although medicine has not proved any benefits of the practice.
Contrary to popular belief, caffeine does not act as a diuretic when consumed in moderation, and does not lead to dehydration or to a water-electrolyte imbalance; current evidence suggests that caffeinated beverages contribute to the body's daily fluid requirements no differently from pure water.[30][31][32][33]

Coffee contains the anticancer compound methylpyridinium. This compound is not present in significant amounts in other food materials. Methylpyridinium is not present in raw coffee beans but is formed during the roasting process from trigonelline, which is common in raw coffee beans. It is present in both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee, and even in instant coffee.[34] A recent study shows that roast coffee contains more lipophilic antioxidants and chlorogenic acid lactones and are more protective against hydrogen peroxide-induced cell death in primary neuronal cells than green coffee .[7]

Prevention of dental caries
The tannins in coffee may reduce the cariogenic potential of foods. In vitro experiments have shown that these polyphenolic compounds may interfere with glucosyltransferase activity of mutans streptococci, which may reduce plaque formation.[35]

Coffee consumption decreased risk of gout in men over age 40. In a large study of over 45,000 men over a 12-year period, the risk for developing gout in men over 40 was inversely proportional with the amount of coffee consumed.[36]


Se il caffè mi protegge da Alzheimeir, Parkinson, demenza senile, calcoli renali, cirrosi, carcinoma epatico, neoplasie orali, dell'esofago, della laringe, della prostata, dimezza il rischio di diabete tipo 2 e protegge dalle coronaropatie ... allora ben vengano i denti gialli, che ben si sposano con la cravatta marrone!


9 Maggio 2004
Infatti non ho avuto alcun dubbio a inserire nel K-max anti-sides l'estratto di caffè verde altamente titolato in acido clorogenico....[:D]


MA - r l i n


9 Maggio 2004
Non sapevo che anche gli Skulachev fossero due. Scommetto che quello che appare più giovane è il gemello trattato con l'anti-age di cui si parla[:)]

Comunque c'è anche questo (pubblicato due giorni fa):


MA - r l i n

kaspar hauser

18 Novembre 2009
Non sarà lo stesso russo che, testualmente, the director of the Institute of Physical and Chemical Biology at MSU Vladimir Skulachev has a very low opinion of De Grey’s work. [}:)]

Il mondo della ricerca è diviso in due:
- i business-oriented, ovvero poche credenziali, pubblicazioni irrilevanti e molti soldi in tasca (vedi De Grey e Sinclair);
- i grandi della ricerca, ovvero molte credenziali, pubblicazioni e risultati fondamentali e pochi soldi in tasca (vedi Skulachev e C. Kenyon).

Ciao Julien


9 Maggio 2004
Sì è lui, ma come ha mostrato un video linkato qui dallo stesso Julien, non molto tempo fa, c'è stato un incontro a Mosca tra i due e ora c'è grande stima e rispetto reciproci.

Ecco qua:


MA - r l i n

kaspar hauser

18 Novembre 2009
Si, la stessa stima e rispetto che Roosevelt aveva di Stalin nei giorni di Jalta [}:)]
Diciamo pure che De Grey è andato a Mosca con una cappellata di soldi e il vecchio Skulachev, che a cercar finanziatori non è capace, ha mandato giù il boccone per il bene del progresso scientifico.


9 Maggio 2004
Non se se è plausibile che le cose stiano così....anche perché al giorno d'oggi la Russia ha numerosi miliardari e uomini d'affari...possibile non se ne trovi uno disposto a finanziare questa molecola molto promettente (anche solo per diversificare gli investimenti...basta comprare squadre di calcio all'estero, anche perché non rendono) ?[:)]


MA - r l i n

kaspar hauser

18 Novembre 2009
Come stimolare la sintesi di sirtuina 1 (SIRT1) allenandosi tre volte a settimana per mezz'ora e soprattutto senza spendere un patrimonio in resveratrolo.

J Physiol. 2010 Mar 15;588(Pt 6):1011-22. Epub 2010 Jan 25.
A practical model of low-volume high-intensity interval training induces mitochondrial biogenesis in human skeletal muscle: potential mechanisms.
Little JP, Safdar A, Wilkin GP, Tarnopolsky MA, Gibala MJ.

Exercise Metabolism Research Group, Department of Kinesiology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4K1.
Comment in:

J Physiol. 2010 Jun 1;588(Pt 11):1817-8.
High-intensity interval training (HIT) induces skeletal muscle metabolic and performance adaptations that resemble traditional endurance training despite a low total exercise volume. Most HIT studies have employed 'all out', variable-load exercise interventions (e.g. repeated Wingate tests) that may not be safe, practical and/or well tolerated by certain individuals. Our purpose was to determine the performance, metabolic and molecular adaptations to a more practical model of low-volume HIT. Seven men (21 + or - 0.4 years, V(O2peak) = 46 + or - 2 ml kg(-1) min(-1)) performed six training sessions over 2 weeks. Each session consisted of 8-12 x 60 s intervals at approximately 100% of peak power output elicited during a ramp V(O2) peak test (355 + or - 10 W) separated by 75 s of recovery. Training increased exercise capacity, as assessed by significant improvements on both 50 kJ and 750 kJ cycling time trials (P < 0.05 for both). Skeletal muscle (vastus lateralis) biopsy samples obtained before and after training revealed increased maximal activity of citrate synthase (CS) and cytochrome c oxidase (COX) as well as total protein content of CS, COX subunits II and IV, and the mitochondrial transcription factor A (Tfam) (P < 0.05 for all). Nuclear abundance of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma co-activator 1alpha (PGC-1alpha) was approximately 25% higher after training (P < 0.05), but total PGC-1alpha protein content remained unchanged. Total SIRT1 content, a proposed activator of PGC-1alpha and mitochondrial biogenesis, was increased by approximately 56% following training (P < 0.05). Training also increased resting muscle glycogen and total GLUT4 protein content (both P < 0.05). This study demonstrates that a practical model of low volume HIT is a potent stimulus for increasing skeletal muscle mitochondrial capacity and improving exercise performance. The results also suggest that increases in SIRT1, nuclear PGC-1alpha, and Tfam may be involved in coordinating mitochondrial adaptations in response to HIT in human skeletal muscle.

PMID: 20100740 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]PMCID: PMC2849965 [Available on 2011/3/15]


21 Marzo 2005
mai speso un patrimonio in resveratrolo. Ma ho deciso che integrerò dopo una fase di carico(4-8mg die) 2mg di Astaxanthina a tempo indeterminato, almeno in attesa della panacea di Skulachev. SKQ1 e ASX hanno comportamenti simili e, curiosamente, sono state entrambe impiegate ad oggi soprattutto in oftamologia. I biotecnologi però dovrebbero trovare un sistema di produzione meno costoso perché l'attuale costo di 7000$ al Kg è davvero eccessivo.
Ad ogni modo essendo sufficientemente biodisponibile e attiva a concentrazioni nanomolari anche 2 mg nel lungo periodo dovrebbero essere efficaci. fresco fresco.


9 Maggio 2004
Faticare così mi costa una fatica, proseguo col resveratrolo[:D]

Julien non so più cosa fare con l'astaxantina, quando era 2 mg nel k-max, dicevi che ce ne volevano 4 mg, ho messo l'integratore della Long Life, ho messo 4 mg nel k-max e ora ne prendi 2 mg ?[:D][:D][:D]

Però se la teoria dello stress ossidativo come causa prima dell'invecchiamento dovesse cadere sotto i colpi delle altre più recenti teorie, cosa ce ne facciamo delle scoperte di Skulachev ? Forse ci curiamo giusto la cataratta, come ha fatto lui[:D]

Ho letto infatti tutto il link sopra sulla longevità e sulla senescenza degli animali e non sembrerebbero esserci differenze nello stress ossidativo tali dare i diversi esiti. Comunque mi pare di poter dire che sostanze antiossidanti possono appunto incidere sul fenomeno senescenza, ma forse possono fare poco per la longevità (si muore alla stessa età, ma belli sani come i pesci...[:D]).


MA - r l i n