per Marlin e Julien, parere


9 Maggio 2004
Ho fatto del grana (si vedano sopra le indicazioni della dr.ssa Pelotti...) l'unico latticino stabile nella mia dieta, non ho avuto problemi in questo anno e passa di costante consumo del noto formaggio stagionato padano, anzi mi pare di stare ancora meglio, mi chiedo quindi cosa dovrei temere che mi succeda di brutto[:)]

Armandino, dove acquisti il Lithotamnium calcareum ? (io ho trovato dei siti che lo vendono, ma magari lo si trova in qualche negozio). Lo dico perché in base a certe dinamiche che coinvolgono le e-caderine potrebbe essere utile (topicamente) per i capelli.


MA - r l i n


25 Gennaio 2010
Per tamponare gli alimenti acidi che introduciamo julien il nostro corpo utilizza i minerali quali calcio,sodio,magnesio, ecc. più alimenti acidi introduciamo più il nostro corpo cannibalizza le sue risorse.

Ecco perchè consiglio sempre una dieta che sia predominante (75%) in frutta e verdura !


21 Marzo 2005

It was recently shown that mTOR function is regulated
by hypoxia (Arsham et al. 2003). Hypoxia downregulates
4E-BP1 phosphorylation and increases 4E-BP1
binding to eIF-4E at 5 cap structures. Similarly, hypoxia
down-regulates S6K phosphorylation at multiple sites
including T389 and inhibits S6 phosphorylation. Hypoxia-
induced inhibition of mTOR is dominant over
mTOR activating signals from growth factors and nutrients
and occurs independently of Hif-1 (Arsham et al.
2003). However, how mTOR function is regulated by
hypoxia is not known

Ecco perché l'esercizo anaerobico e il debito d'ossigeno servono.


9 Maggio 2004
Quindi lo sforzo anaerobico contrasterebbe l'invecchiamento o almeno, più che compenserebbe l'invecchiamento apportato dai fattori di crescita e dai nutrienti ? Eppure quella foto sopra di Schwarzy parrebbe dire il contrario...[:)].


MA - r l i n

kaspar hauser

18 Novembre 2009
Julien, la Metformina sembra proprio quello che cercavi.

Free Radic Biol Med. 2010 Sep 15;49(6):1082-7. Epub 2010 Jun 28.
Metformin selectively attenuates mitochondrial H2O2 emission without
affecting respiratory capacity in skeletal muscle of obese rats.
Kane DA, Anderson EJ, Price JW 3rd, Woodlief TL, Lin CT, Bikman BT,
Cortright RN,
Neufer PD.
East Carolina Diabetes and Obesity Institute, East Carolina
Greenville, NC 27834, USA.
Metformin is a widely prescribed drug for treatment of type 2
diabetes, although
no cellular mechanism of action has been established. To determine
whether in
vivo metformin treatment alters mitochondrial function in skeletal
respiratory O(2) flux and H(2)O(2) emission were measured in
saponin-permeabilized myofibers from lean and obese (fa/fa) Zucker
rats treated
for 4 weeks with metformin. Succinate- and palmitoylcarnitine-
respiration generated greater than twofold higher rates of H(2)O(2)
emission in
myofibers from untreated obese versus lean rats, indicative of an
obesity-associated increased mitochondrial oxidant emitting potential.
conjunction with improved glycemic control, metformin treatment
reduced H(2)O(2)
emission in muscle from obese rats to rates near or below those
observed in lean
rats during both succinate- and palmitoylcarnitine-supported
Surprisingly, metformin treatment did not affect basal or maximal
rates of O(2)
consumption in muscle from obese or lean rats. Ex vivo dose-response
revealed that metformin inhibits complex I-linked H(2)O(2) emission at
concentration approximately 2 orders of magnitude lower than that
required to
inhibit respiratory O(2) flux. These findings suggest that therapeutic
concentrations of metformin normalize mitochondrial H(2)O(2) emission
by blocking
reverse electron flow without affecting forward electron flow or
respiratory O(2)
flux in skeletal muscle.
PMCID: PMC2921476 [Available on 2011/9/1]
PMID: 20600832 [PubMed - in process]


Dimethylbiguanide, popularly known as metformin, is among the most
widely prescribed drugs for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Improved
glycemic control has been attributed to two effects: decreased hepatic
glucose production [1] S.E. Inzucchi, D.G. Maggs, G.R. Spollett, S.L.
Page, F.S. Rife, V. Walton and G.I. Shulman, Efficacy and metabolic
effects of metformin and troglitazone in type II diabetes mellitus, N
Engl J. Med. 338 (1998), pp. 867–873. Full Text via CrossRef[1], [2]
and [3] and increased glucose disposal in skeletal muscle [4], [5],
[6] and [7]. However, despite the routine prescription of metformin,
its mechanism of action remains unclear. Two potential cellular
targets of metformin have been identified: adenosine monophosphate-
activated protein kinase (AMPK) [8], a major regulator of cellular
glucose and lipid metabolism, and complex I of the mitochondrial
respiratory chain [9] and [10]. Both in vitro and in vivo exposure to
metformin increases AMPK activity [6], [8] and [11] and inhibits
mitochondrial respiration [9], [10], [12] and [13] in skeletal muscle
and liver. Cell-free assays indicate that metformin does not activate
AMPK or its upstream kinases directly [14], suggesting that activation
of AMPK is due to an increase in [AMP]/[ATP] ratio. However, the
degree of inhibition of complex I by metformin is mild and does not
seem to affect overall cellular energy charge [14]. Thus, although
there is considerable circumstantial evidence, a direct link between
AMPK and the insulin-sensitizing action of metformin has not been
established [15].
In addition to increasing insulin-stimulated glucose disposal [4],
[5] and [6], metformin treatment has also been reported to reduce
oxidative stress in target tissues [16], [17], [18], [19] and [20],
raising the alternative possibility that its mechanism of action may
be related to reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and/or
neutralization. Batandier et al. [21] recently reported that metformin
decreases complex I-linked H2O2 production during succinate-supported
respiration in mitochondria isolated from rat liver. Succinate, a
complex II substrate, induces high rates of ROS production by
generating a backflow of electrons through complex I, which
dramatically accelerates electron leak and superoxide formation at
complex I [22] and [23]. Although respiration supported exclusively by
succinate is nonphysiological, the findings suggest that substrate/
respiration conditions in vivo that result in a greater proportion of
reducing equivalents feeding into the electron transport system beyond
complex I may lead to elevated ROS production, e.g., during basal
(resting) respiration supported by fatty acids [24] and [25]. In
support of this contention, we have recently found that elevated
mitochondrial-derived H2O2 emission is a primary factor in the
etiology of dietary fat-induced muscle insulin resistance [26]. In
this study, we determined whether treatment with metformin daily for 4
weeks alters mitochondrial H2O2 emission and/or O2 respiration in
skeletal muscle of obese Zucker (fa/fa) rats, an animal model of
obesity-induced insulin resistance. Our findings reveal that, in
addition to improved whole-body glycemic control, metformin treatment
reduces the potential for succinate- and fatty acid-supported
mitochondrial H2O2 emission in skeletal muscle without affecting O2
respiratory control. Moreover, dose–response experiments conducted ex
vivo on control myofibers demonstrate that complex I-linked
mitochondrial H2O2 emission is far more sensitive than complex I-
linked respiration to inhibition by metformin.



21 Marzo 2005
Non saprei Marlin, qui sostiene che HIF-1 è un gerontogeno ma che l'esercizio fisico di stress e resistenza sia possibilmente lifespan extending- Il tizio di questo Blog è un ricercatore inglese di origini indiane con tanto di Post-Doc quindi mi fido assai.

Not all exercise is lifespan-extending. Perhaps exercise regimens specifically optimized to stimulate anabolism might be gerontogenic, while those that create acute stress and activate hormetic pathways might extend lifespan.
It’s also worth mentioning that BFR exercise may be uniquely bad vis-a-vis longevity control. In worms, one of the targets of TOR is HIF-1, the hypoxia inducible factor. HIF-1 is a gerontogene: knocking it down extends longevity, so its wildtype function must shorten lifespan. I wonder whether the blood flow restriction in BFR exercise might create low-grade hypoxia in the muscle tissue, inducing HIF-1 activity and incurring some gerontogenic effect. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time that an intervention that helped older men increase muscle mass ended up being bad for them in the long run (e.g., hGH).

Della metformina si era parlato abbondantemente in passato, peccato sia prescritta nella cura del diabete e non nella cura della senescenza (che la medicina ufficiale considera a tutt'oggi non un processo patologico ma fisiologico, quindi non da curare, salvo poi curare e spendere fiumi di denaro nelle conseguenze dell'invecchiamento rappresentate dalle disfunzioni croniche e dai tumori che affliggono una orda sempre più crescente di umanità sofferente. Ma si sa, Seneca 2000 anni fa era più accorto di certa classe medica contemporanea e giustamente scrisse: Senectus ipsa morbus est)


9 Maggio 2004
Veramente della metformina ne parliamo quasi sempre...comunque il mimetico naturale che più si avvicina alla sua azione quale sarebbe secondo le ultime voci ? Io sempre puntato sulla cannella, ma se ben ricordo di recente è stato sollevata qualche perplessità sul fatto che agisca proprio come la metformina.

Ad ogni modo si veda anche questo:


MA - r l i n

kaspar hauser

18 Novembre 2009
Sembra proprio che Matusalemme sia sarcopenico, depresso, sonnolento e stitico.

J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2010 Aug 25. [Epub ahead of print]
Familial Longevity Is Associated with Decreased Thyroid Function.

Rozing MP, Houwing-Duistermaat JJ, Slagboom PE, Beekman M, Frölich M,
de Craen AJ, Westendorp RG, van Heemst D.
Departments of Gerontology and Geriatrics (M.P.R., A.J.M.d.C.,
R.G.J.W., D.v.H.), Medical Statistics (J.J.H.-D.), and Department of
Clinical Chemistry (M.F.), Section of Molecular Epidemiology,
Department of Medical Statistics (P.E.S., M.B.), and Netherlands
Consortium of Healthy Aging (P.E.S., R.G.J.W.), Leiden University
Medical Center, 2300 RC Leiden, The Netherlands.

Context: A relation between low thyroid activity and prolonged life
span in humans has been observed. Several studies have demonstrated
hereditary and genetic influences on thyroid function. Objective: The
objective of the study was to test whether low thyroid activity
associated with extreme longevity constitutes a heritable phenotype,
which could contribute to the familial longevity observed in the
Leiden Longevity Study. Design: This was a cross-sectional study.
Setting: The study was conducted at a university hospital in the city
of Leiden, The Netherlands. Participants: Eight hundred fifty-nine
nonagenarian siblings (median age 92.9 yr) from 421 long-lived
families participated in the study. Families were recruited from the
entire Dutch population if at least two long-lived siblings were alive
and fulfilled the age criterion of age of 89 yr or older for males and
91 yr or older for females. There were no selection criteria on health
or demographic characteristics. Intervention: Blood samples were taken
for determination of serum parameters of thyroid function. Main
Outcome Measure: We calculated the family mortality history score of
the parents of the nonagenarian siblings and related this to thyroid
function parameters in the nonagenarian siblings. Results: We found
that a lower family mortality history score (less mortality) of the
parents of nonagenarian siblings was associated with higher serum TSH
levels (P = 0.005) and lower free T4 levels (P = 0.002) as well as
lower free T3 levels (P = 0.034) in the nonagenarian siblings.
Conclusions: Our findings support the previous observation that low
thyroid activity in humans constitutes a heritable phenotype that
contributes to exceptional familial longevity observed in the Leiden
Longevity Study.
PMID: 20739380 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

kaspar hauser

18 Novembre 2009
Metformina = attivazione della proteina chinasi attivata da AMP (AMPK)

alternative naturali:

acido folico

Se ipotiroidismo = longevità e metformina = attivazione dell'AMPK = longevità, allora dovremmo avere che ipertiroidismo = inibizione dell'AMPK.

E guarda cosa ti trovo? Una conferma indiretta.

Nat Med. 2010 Aug 29. [Epub ahead of print]
Hypothalamic AMPK and fatty acid metabolism mediate thyroid regulation of energy balance.
López M, Varela L, Vázquez MJ, Rodríguez-Cuenca S, González CR, Velagapudi VR, Morgan DA, Schoenmakers E, Agassandian K, Lage R, de Morentin PB, Tovar S, Nogueiras R, Carling D, Lelliott C, Gallego R, Oreši#269; M, Chatterjee K, Saha AK, Rahmouni K, Diéguez C, Vidal-Puig A.

[1] Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, University of Santiago de Compostela-Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria, Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña), Spain. [2] Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de la Fisiopatología de la Obesidad y Nutrición (CIBERobn) (A Coruña), Spain. [3] Institute of Metabolic Science, Metabolic Research Laboratories, Addenbrooke's Hospital, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
Thyroid hormones have widespread cellular effects; however it is unclear whether their effects on the central nervous system (CNS) contribute to global energy balance. Here we demonstrate that either whole-body hyperthyroidism or central administration of triiodothyronine (T3) decreases the activity of hypothalamic AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), increases sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activity and upregulates thermogenic markers in brown adipose tissue (BAT). Inhibition of the lipogenic pathway in the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMH) prevents CNS-mediated activation of BAT by thyroid hormone and reverses the weight loss associated with hyperthyroidism. Similarly, inhibition of thyroid hormone receptors in the VMH reverses the weight loss associated with hyperthyroidism. This regulatory mechanism depends on AMPK inactivation, as genetic inhibition of this enzyme in the VMH of euthyroid rats induces feeding-independent weight loss and increases expression of thermogenic markers in BAT. These effects are reversed by pharmacological blockade of the SNS. Thus, thyroid hormone-induced modulation of AMPK activity and lipid metabolism in the hypothalamus is a major regulator of whole-body energy homeostasis.

PMID: 20802499 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

kaspar hauser

18 Novembre 2009
Altri attivatori dell'AMPK:

- la contrazione muscolare attiva l'AMPK
- adiponectina
- inibizione del sistema nervoso simpatico

Il primo punto si commenta da solo, per gli ultimi due la taurina è il candidato ideale.

Aggiungo il fondamentale studio del gruppo di Yukio Yamori sul rapporto tra alimentazione (taurina e magnesio in particolare) e malattie cardiovascolari. Non perdevetelo!

We are still continuing our CARDIAC health examination since we started the world wide study in 1985 in coordination with WHO. Our recent study on Australian Aboriginal people for over past 7 years demonstrated that they are presently suffering most severely from lifestyle-related diseases in comparison with the other CARDIAC populations [38,45]. Obesity, hypertension and diabetes in Aboriginals start 20 to 30 years younger than other Australian and Japanese people (Figure 10) [45]. When they lost bush food, their M intake was greatly decreased because bush food consisting of nuts, seeds, grains, beans, fruits and seaweeds contains much M (Figure 11). Aboriginals living near the coast of the state of Victoria used to utilize various foods from the sea and fresh water. Aboriginals living in Framlingham, Victoria were known to start the culture of eels 8,000 years ago and there were several large shell mounds, the piling up of various shells like mountains at the sea side not far from Melbourne, indicating that Aboriginals’ life had been highly dependent on their bush food as well as on the seafood, both the richest sources of T and M. Before the colonials were established, their daily foods were clams, various shells and fish containing a large amount of T (Figure 12), and also their traditional smoked eels, which were a rich source of T and DHA and eaten as their common preserved food. As hunters and food gatherers, Aboriginals, according to the 2-week food intake analysis report, were supposed to live by taking their energy, for example, 34% from complex carbohydrates, 13% from fat and 53% from protein [46]. Although we do not know exactly what they ate, we tentatively suppose, for example, they ate 400 g of yam, 300 g of frogs, 5 g of almonds, 140 g of bream, 200 g of clams, 300 g of snails. These foods contain about 100 g of carbohydrates, 15 g of fat and 170 g of protein and correspond roughly to 1300 kcal/day. The daily intake of T and M from these foods is about 3200 mg and 640 mg, respectively, both being far higher than the average of CARDIAC populations in the world.

3 grammi di taurina e 600 mg di magnesio al giorno! Alla faccia dei disclaimer sui barattoli di taurina. [:)]

Both T and M are basically important for the maintenance of life. T is involved in cellular physiology by its effect on osmoregulation, anti-oxidant, membrane stabilization and calcium regulation [47-49], and also on lipid metabolism related to dyslipidemia and atherosclerosis through its role in bile acid conjugation [47,48]. Recently, T-conjugated endogenous bile acid derivative, ursodeoxycholic acid was focused on as a chemical chaperone which was proven to reduce endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and restore glucose homeostasis in a mouse model of type 2 diabetes [50]. The alleviation of ER-stress may restore insulin sensitivity in the liver, muscle and adipose tissue, thus contributing to the resolution of fatty liver diseases, diabetes and obesity. High dietary T administration was proven to reduce apoptosis and atherosclerosis possibly via normalization of ER stress [51].

Moreover, in relation to the ageing of vascular tissue and the accelerated senescence of endothelial progenitor cell (EPC) noted in SHRSP [52], T was reported to attenuate EPC senescence in SHRSP and to modulate clinically the deterioration of endothelial function in smokers [53-55]. These classical and new concepts of the pathophysiological roles of T suggest that a high T intake may contribute to longevity through CVD health and lifestyle-related diseases.

On the other hand, M is the 8th abundant element in the weight, the number of atoms and the volume percentage of all atoms on the earth. It is also the most abundant intracellular divalent cation and is involved in the various biological functions of about 300 enzymes as their coenzyme. They include all enzymatic reactions requiring ATP, such as Na-K ATPase, important for intracellular ionic balance. Therefore, M is supposed to be causatively and clinically related to cardiovascular health, hypertension and diabetes [56-58]. Lowering of intracellular free M was observed in SHRSP in the process of aging and development of hypertension [59]. Dietary M supplementation increased intralymphocytic free M and attenuated the grade of hypertension [60]. These experimental findings were recently confirmed clinically in patients with mild hypertension whose ambulatory BP was significantly decreased concomitantly with the increased intracellular free M and K, and decreased intracellular free Ca and Na, by the dietary supplementation of 600 mg of pidolate M [61]. In this clinical experiment, M supplementation increased serum M and 24U excretion of M. Therefore, the aforementioned epidemiologically observed 24U-M excretion was regarded to correspond to dietary M intake. M was also reported to decrease BP by inhibiting sympathetic nerve by blocking N-type Ca channels [62].

Since the evolutional origin of life of human beings was inside the sea containing abundant M and food gatherers lived on seafood rich in T, both M and T are assumed to be essential for the homeostasis maintaining cardiovascular health.


kaspar hauser

18 Novembre 2009
acido butirrico (più burro per tutti!)

RESULTS On the high-fat diet, supplementation of butyrate prevented development of insulin resistance and obesity in C57BL/6 mice. Fasting blood glucose, fasting insulin, and insulin tolerance were all preserved in the treated mice. Body fat content was maintained at 10% without a reduction in food intake. Adaptive thermogenesis and fatty acid oxidation were enhanced. An increase in mitochondrial function and biogenesis was observed in skeletal muscle and brown fat. The type I fiber was enriched in skeletal muscle. Peroxisome proliferator–activated receptor-#947; coactivator-1#945; expression was elevated at mRNA and protein levels. AMP kinase and p38 activities were elevated. In the obese mice, supplementation of butyrate led to an increase in insulin sensitivity and a reduction in adiposity.

CONCLUSIONS Dietary supplementation of butyrate can prevent and treat diet-induced insulin resistance in mouse. The mechanism of butyrate action is related to promotion of energy expenditure and induction of mitochondria function.


9 Maggio 2004
Ti è venuta l'armandinite ?[:D]...quanta carne al fuoco ! Ma a me i conti tornano sino a un certo punto (a mio avviso ti sei perso nei passaggi...).

Mi torna eccome che meno ormoni tiroidei possano allungare l'esistenza (sono gli ormoni che alzano la temperatura e che fanno schizzare e pare servano alla crescita dei capelli - vedi farmaco Pfizer in studio - ma si è appunto mai visto un centenario con tanti capelli ?).

Per me sbagli al passaggio successivo, ossia con le equivalenze. Ipotiroidismo=longevità, nello studio non si parla di ipotiroidismo o di ipertiroidismo, ma solo di maggiore o miore presenza di FT3 e FT4 nel sangue delle persone esaminate, che non significa che abbiano queste patologie conclamate, ma a una situazione relativa al campione stesso, considerando che gli ormoni tiroidei calano vistosamente con l'età. Chiaro che chi consuma meno energie duri più a lungo (ma sai che bel vivere a bassa energia, come ho sempre detto...).
Peraltro mangiando poco (CR) c'è appunto un rallentamento del metabolismo con diminuzione degli ormoni tiroidei (altrimenti sarebbe troppo bello, prendere due piccioni con una fava, dinamismo ed energia senza mangiare...)

Il passaggio successivo è quello che falsa la questione, nel senso che la metformina attivando la AMPK, si comporta appunto all'opposto del T3 che la abbassa. Ma questo AMPK è appunto un enzima che abbassa l'ATP:
AMPK is activated by rising AMP and falling ATP

L'adenosina-trifosfato è la benzina cellulare, qui molti, me compreso, hanno provato ad usare ATP in lozione proprio per far ripartire i capelli con aga, dove l'energia viene a mancare.

Quindi siamo su un percorso catabolico e non anabolico del tutto in linea con il discorso di cui sopra (risparmio energia - anche per gli inutili capelli - = maggiore longevità).

E questo quindi varrebbbe anche per la taurina e l'acido butirrico (qui già evidenziato per le sua qualità molte anzitempo da Julien).

(Per la taurina poi ci si può esaltare sinché si vuole fastanticando sul mondo paleo che fu - ma magari non fu sempre proprio così - ma poi i conti bisogna farli con i problemi che da alle forme attuali di homo sapiens[:)]).

In altre parole restiamo con la questione energetica intatta: consumare meno per durare di più, o consumare di più per vivere più intensamente ?


MA - r l i n



21 Marzo 2005
Notizia senalata da A. de Gray su Facebook. Hai capito perché ha sempre la pinta in mano? Del resto forse è l'acetaldeide a inibire il percorso mTOR o l'effetto ormetico.,8599,2014332,00.html

kaspar hauser

18 Novembre 2009
Ultimamente mi sono spostato dal vino alla birra, esclusivamene se prodotta con i requisiti di purezza tedeschi (Reinheitsgebot). Nei vini rossi si sta purtroppo assistendo ad una corsa agli armamenti: più grado e barrique disivolta. Oramai non ci si stupisce più dei 13,5°-14° gradi, quando vent'anni fa erano la norma (qui al nord) gli 11,5°-12°. E tra eccessi di grado e di tannini a rimetterci è la capa (mal di testa, sonno agitato).
Eppoi l'intramontabile distillato nostrano. Inaugurata ieri sera nuova bottiglia di grappa 40°. Friulana, of course.
Che sia lei la causa dell'armandite notturna? [:)]

kaspar hauser

18 Novembre 2009
Phenol antioxidant quantity and quality in foods: beers and the effect of two types of beer on an animal model of atherosclerosis.
Vinson JA, Mandarano M, Hirst M, Trevithick JR, Bose P.

Department of Chemistry, University of Scranton, Scranton, Pennsylvania 18510-4626, USA.
The free phenols have been measured in 15 lagers, 6 porters and ales, and 11 light and nonalcoholic beers. Phenols were measured colorimetrically using an oxidation-reduction reaction with Folin-Ciocalteu reagent and catechin as the standard. The order of phenol concentration was ales > lagers > low calorie > nonalcoholic. The quality of antioxidants of the major phenols in beers and the quality of beer antioxidants were measured by (1) dose-response inhibition of lower density lipoprotein oxidation and (2) concentration of phenols in the beers at which 50% of the peroxide was destroyed in a luminescent assay for antioxidant activity. The beers' lipoprotein antioxidant quality was clearly superior to that of vitamin antioxidants and to that of the phenol ingredients, suggesting synergism among the antioxidants in the mixture. The average per capita consumption of beer in the United States in 2000 was 225 mL/day, equivalent to 42 mg/day of catechin equivalents. Beer provides more antioxidants per day than wine in the U.S. diet. A dark beer and a lager beer were given at two concentrations to cholesterol-fed hamsters, an animal model of atherosclerosis. At the high dose ((1)/(2)-diluted beer) both lager and dark beer significantly inhibited atherosclerosis compared to a control of 2% alcohol. At the high dose, lager significantly decreased cholesterol and triglycerides, and both beers acted as in vivo antioxidants by decreasing the oxidizability of lower density lipoproteins. At the low dose ((1)/(10)-diluted beer) only the lager beer significantly decreased atherosclerosis compared to the 0.4% alcohol control. The polyphenols in the beers appear to be responsible for the benefits of beer in this model. Lager beer inhibited atherosclerosis at a human equivalent dose in this hamster model of atherosclerosis.

nt J Food Sci Nutr. 2007 Mar;58(2):94-107.
Bioactivity of beer and its influence on human metabolism.
Gorinstein S, Caspi A, Libman I, Leontowicz H, Leontowicz M, Tashma Z, Katrich E, Jastrzebski Z, Trakhtenberg S.

Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Natural Products, The Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel.
Extracted total phenols, flavanols and flavonoids were measured in beer samples and their quality as antioxidants was measured by two modified antioxidant methods: the 2,2'-azinobis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonate) radical cation (ABTS * +) and the beta-carotene-linoleate model system (beta-carotene). It was found that the antioxidant potential of beer was well correlated with flavanols and flavonoids and was slightly lower with total polyphenols (R2 values from 0.8203 to 0.9393). Forty-two male non drinkers, hypercholesterolaemic volunteers ages 43-71 after coronary bypass surgery, were randomly divided into experimental (EG) and control (CG) groups, each of 21 participants. The antiatherosclerotic diet of the EG group was supplemented for 30 consecutive days with 330 ml beer per day. Could short-term beer consumption affect not only the risk factors of coronary atherosclerosis, but also the markers of this process: plasma albumin and its antioxidant activity? For this goal, total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, plasma albumin and fibrinogen, and the antioxidant activity were determined. After the trial a significant improvement in the plasma lipid levels, and an increase in the plasma antioxidant and anticoagulant activities in patients of the EG group was registered. A parallel increase in the plasma albumin concentration and its antioxidant activity was observed. In conclusion, short-term beer consumption on the basis of the bioactivity of the beverage positively affects plasma lipid levels, plasma antioxidant and anticoagulant activities. The increase in the plasma albumin concentration and its antioxidant activity could be the markers of atherosclerosis status.


9 Maggio 2004
Cercando i vari modi per accrescere l'SHBG ai tempi sono capitato (già postato qui illo tempore) su uno studio in cui gli alcolizzati che sviluppavano cirrosi epatica avevano una forte riduzione degli androgeni:

Quindi va bene tirare in ballo il percorso mTOR, ma perché questo è alimentato dagli androgeni e simili ormoni anabolici; del resto le donne vivono più a lungo proprio per questo...


MA - r l i n


21 Marzo 2005
Io sospetto che finasteride sia un ani-aging e scommetto che mediamente gli pseudoermafroditi hanno aspettative di vita massima maggiori di maschi caucasici normali. Mi chiedo solo se già ci siano dati in merito.


9 Maggio 2004
Anche di maschi non caucasici...(siamo messi male a capelli, ma non come aspettativa di vita[:D]) visto che a Santo Domingo i caucasici sono solo una parte del mix razziale.

Però fina facendo elevare il T potrebbe non avere tutto questo effetto anti-age, diciamo che io non la vedo come il primo anti-age da assumere.

Urge rejuvenation, altrimenti si campa più a lungo, ma castrandoci...[:)]


MA - r l i n



21 Marzo 2005

grande illuminazione: non è che l'effetto negativo a lungo termine del percorso mTOR sia dovuto all'effetto combinato di una ridotta mitosi (attraverso la mitosi una cellula più grande a seguito della citodieresi si divide in 2 cellule più piccole. Le cellule risultanti sono 2 e dimezzano di volume) e di un graduale aumento cellulare medio di tutti i miliardi di cellule somatiche del corpo? Perché riflettendoci bene l'aumento di dimensioni implicherebbe una alterazione del rapporto tra volume e superficie e sicuramente ci sono limiti alla grandezza che una singola cellula può raggiungere senza ridurre la sua efficienza funzionale. Sappiamo che le cellule senescenti dei soggetti anziani sono ipertrofiche, cioé molto più grandi di quelle giovani.
Ma più una cellula è grande maggiore è la quantità di sostanze che devono passare dentro e fuori e questo movimento può avvenire soltanto attraverso la superficie della cellula e man mano che la cellula aumenta la superficie non può efficacemente scambiare soluti e solventi con l'esterno ad un tesso che soddisfi le esigenze metaboliche connesse al suo volume (innescando prima o poi una vera e propria catastrofe). Un secondo fattore critico è la capacità del nucleo di controllare una grande quantità di citoplasma e le diverse funzioni di una cellula complessa (ovviamente esistono per quesot motivo cellule polinucleate e allungate).
Penso che forse il trucco degli animali che presentano negligible senescence stia nel fatto che aumentano sempre le proprie dimensioni (piante perenni, Hydra, lobsters, testuggini - almeno finché non vengono schiacciati sotto il loro peso ) mantenendo costante il volume cellulare medio di ogni cellula. Certamente una rapida crescita significa una rapida erosione dei telomeri dato che prima che incorra la CS. (cell senescence) le cellule si dividono dopo aver raggiunto massa e volume critici. Rallentare la crescita volumetrica significa prolungare i cicli di rinnovo cellulare e risparmiare nell'erosione telomerica .

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