per Marlin e Julien, parere


21 Marzo 2005
una chicca per l'amico Funes/K. Hauser

AGEs (kU/g)
Nonfat yogurt 0.32
Pink steak 54.25

kaspar hauser

18 Novembre 2009
Una per l'amico Julien Sorel
Identifying advanced glycation end products as a major source of oxidants in aging: implications for the management and/or prevention of reduced renal function in elderly persons.

The build-up of AGEs with reduced renal function could contribute to inflammation, increased oxidant stress, and accumulation of AGEs in aging. In fact, results from a longitudinal study of normal aging adults in Italy showed that the most significant correlation with mortality was the level of renal function. A clear link between inflammation, OS, AGEs, and chronic disease was shown in studies of mice that showed that reduction of AGE levels by drugs or decreased intake of AGEs reduces chronic kidney disease (CKD) and cardiovascular disease of aging.

Per questo consiglio di nuovo di seguire i consigli di un nefrologo, che negli ultimi due post ha parlato diffusamente del tuo amico mTor:

Per gli AGE ci difendiamo, dopo ogni pasto, con la taurina:
Effect of taurine on advanced glycation end products-induced hypertrophy in renal tubular epithelial cells.
[...]AGE-induced the Raf-1/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) activation was markedly blocked by taurine
Stimulation of glucose utilization and inhibition of protein glycation and AGE products by taurin Role of antioxidant activity of taurine in diabetes

The unifying hypothesis of diabetes maintains that reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated in the mitochondria of glucose-treated cells promote reactions leading to the development of diabetic complications. Although the unifying hypothesis attributes the generation of oxidants solely to impaired glucose and fatty acid metabolism, diabetes is also associated with a decline in the levels of the endogenous antioxidant taurine in a number of tissues, raising the possibility that changes in taurine status might also contribute to the severity of oxidant-mediated damage. There is overwhelming evidence that taurine blocks toxicity caused by oxidative stress, but the mechanism underlying the antioxidant activity remains unclear. One established antioxidant action of taurine is the detoxification of hypochlorous acid. However, not all of the antioxidant actions of taurine are related to hypochlorous acid because they are detected in isolated cell systems lacking neutrophils. There are a few studies showing that taurine either modulates the antioxidant defenses or blocks the actions of the oxidants, but other studies oppose this interpretation. Although taurine is incapable of directly scavenging the classic ROS, such as superoxide anion, hydroxyl radical, and hydrogen peroxide, there are numerous studies suggesting that it is an effective inhibitor of ROS generation. The present review introduces a novel antioxidant hypothesis, which takes into consideration the presence of taurine-conjugated tRNAs in the mitochondria. Because tRNA conjugation is required for normal translation of mitochondrial-encoded proteins, taurine deficiency reduces the expression of these respiratory chain components. As a result, flux through the electron transport chain decreases. The dysfunctional respiratory chain accumulates electron donors, which divert electrons from the respiratory chain to oxygen, forming superoxide anion in the process. Restoration of taurine levels increases the levels of conjugated tRNA, restores respiratory chain activity, and increases the synthesis of ATP at the expense of superoxide anion production. The importance of this and other actions of taurine in diabetes is discussed.


kaspar hauser

18 Novembre 2009

Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) may play an important adverse role in process of atherosclerosis, diabetes, aging and chronic renal failure. Levels of Ne-carboxymethyllysine and fluorescent AGE values were estimated in two nutritional population groups - alternative group (vegetarians - plant food, milk products, eggs) and traditional group (omnivorous subjects). Vegetarians have a significantly higher carboxymethyllysine content in plasma and fluorescent AGE values. Intake of proteins, lysine and monosaccharides as well as culinary treatment, consumption of food AGEs (mainly from technologically processed products) and the routes of Maillard reaction in organism are the substantial sources of plasma AGEs. Vegetarians consume less proteins and saccharides. Lysine intake is significantly reduced (low content in plant proteins). Subjects on alternative nutrition do not use high temperature for culinary treatment and consume low amount of technologically processed food. Fructation induced AGE fluorescence is greater as compared with that induced by glucose. It is due to higher participation of a more reactive acyclic form of fructose. Intake of vegetables and fruit with predominance of fructose is significantly higher in vegetarians. Comparison of nutrition and plasma AGEs in vegetarian and omnivorous groups shows that the higher intake of fructose in alternative nutrition of healthy subjects may cause an increase of AGE levels.

Since almost any variation of a vegetarian diet is lower in exogenous AGEs (that is, AGEs formed outside the body) than meat-based diets, the authors expected vegetarians to have higher levels of plasma AGEs. The surprising result of the study was that the vegetarians had higher levels of AGEs – despite consuming much lower amounts of AGEs in their diet. This means that endogenous AGEs (those formed inside the body) played a bigger role than previously thought.



21 Marzo 2005
Vitamin C Enhances the Generation of Mouse and Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
This article is not included in your organization's subscription. However, you may be able to access this article under your organization's agreement with Elsevier.

Miguel Angel Esteban1, 6, Tao Wang1, 6, Baoming Qin1, 6, Jiayin Yang1, Dajiang Qin1, Jinglei Cai1, Wen Li1, Zhihui Weng1, Jiekai Chen1, Su Ni1, Keshi Chen1, Yuan Li1, Xiaopeng Liu1, Jianyong Xu1, Shiqiang Zhang1, Feng Li1, Wenzhi He1, Krystyna Labuda2, Yancheng Song3, Anja Peterbauer4, Susanne Wolbank2, Heinz Redl2, Mei Zhong5, Daozhang Cai3, Lingwen Zeng1 and Duanqing Pei1, ,

1 Stem Cell and Cancer Biology Group, Key Laboratory of Regenerative Biology, South China Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510663, China

2 Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Clinical and Experimental Traumatology, Austrian Cluster for Tissue Regeneration, Vienna 1200, Austria

3 The Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510630, China

4 Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service of Upper Austria, Austrian Cluster for Tissue Regeneration, Linz 4020, Austria

5 Center for Prenatal and Hereditary Disease Diagnosis, Nanfang Hospital, Guangzhou 510515, China

Received 7 August 2009; revised 17 November 2009; accepted 7 December 2009. Published online: December 24, 2009. Available online 31 December 2009.

Referred to by: Powering Reprogramming with Vitamin C
Cell Stem Cell, Volume 6, Issue 1, 8 January 2010, Pages 1-2,
Yan Shi, Yang Zhao, Hongkui Deng

Somatic cells can be reprogrammed into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) by defined factors. However, the low efficiency and slow kinetics of the reprogramming process have hampered progress with this technology. Here we report that a natural compound, vitamin C (Vc), enhances iPSC generation from both mouse and human somatic cells. Vc acts at least in part by alleviating cell senescence, a recently identified roadblock for reprogramming. In addition, Vc accelerates gene expression changes and promotes the transition of pre-iPSC colonies to a fully reprogrammed state. Our results therefore highlight a straightforward method for improving the speed and efficiency of iPSC generation and provide additional insights into the mechanistic basis of the reprogramming process.

L'effetto è in vitro, ma in vivo?

kaspar hauser

18 Novembre 2009
Altro studio che demolisce le certezze di quanti malignano i prodotti caseari, magari proprio in favore della soia.

Effects of dairy compared with soy on oxidative and inflammatory stress in overweight and obese subjects

Michael B Zemel, Xiaocun Sun, Teresa Sobhani and Beth Wilson
1 From the Department of Nutrition, the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN.

2 Supported by the National Dairy Council.

3 Address correspondence to MB Zemel, Department of Nutrition, The University of Tennessee, 1215 West Cumberland Avenue, Room 229, Knoxville, TN 37996-1920. E-mail:

Background: We recently showed that calcitriol increases oxidative and inflammatory stress; moreover, inhibition of calcitriol with high-calcium diets decreased both adipose tissue and systemic oxidative and inflammatory stress in obese mice, whereas dairy exerted a greater effect. However, these findings may be confounded by concomitant changes in adiposity.

Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the acute effects of a dairy-rich diet on oxidative and inflammatory stress in overweight and obese subjects in the absence of adiposity changes.

Design: Twenty subjects (10 obese, 10 overweight) participated in a blinded, randomized, crossover study of dairy- compared with soy-supplemented eucaloric diets. Two 28-d dietary periods were separated by a 28-d washout period. Inflammatory and oxidative stress biomarkers were measured on days 0, 7, and 28 of each dietary period.

Results: The dairy-supplemented diet resulted in significant suppression of oxidative stress (plasma malondialdehyde, 22%; 8-isoprostane-F2, 12%; P < 0.0005) and lower inflammatory markers (tumor necrosis factor-, 15%, P < 0.002; interleukin-6, 13%, P < 0.01; monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, 10%, P < 0.0006) and increased adiponectin (20%, P < 0.002), whereas the soy exerted no significant effect. These effects were evident by day 7 of treatment and increased in magnitude at the end of the 28-d treatment periods. There were no significant differences in response to treatment between overweight and obese subjects for any variable studied.

Conclusion: An increase in dairy food intake produces significant and substantial suppression of the oxidative and inflammatory stress associated with overweight and obesity. This trial was registered at as NCT00686426.

Ma la risposta non è essere lacto-ovo-vegetariani:, la categoria con i livelli ematici di AGEs più alti. Probabilmente il problema è la troppa frutta e la carenza di taurina nei prodotti caseari, mentre gli onnivori se la cavano meglio. I low fructose/high dairy fat/moderate animal protein/high taurine dovrebbero passersela meglio di tutti. Lo spero :)


21 Marzo 2005
bene perché non demonizzo i prodotti caseari. I risultati che mostrano gli studi potrebbero essere dovuti al fatto che le proteine del siero del latte hanno il bilanciamento Cisteina/metionina migliore.
Non demonizzo il burro (anche se come fonte di saturi preferirei l'olio di cocco, la frazione del burro di cacao del cioccolato e l'avocado)
Non sono lacto-ovo-veg (uova quasi non ne mangio) ma quasi-veg (non mangio uova ma mangio saltuariamente pesce).



9 Maggio 2004
Ma con Kaspar non eravo rimasti che eliminare i latticini era buona cosa ?[:)]

...per via delle intolleranze al lattosio e alla caseina (cose molto neo e poco paleo...[:)]), questi insieme ai cereali (sempre neo e non paleo) farebbero il bello e cattivo tempo nel nostro intestino.

E' la dieta che mi ostino ancora a seguire io con l'eccezione (giustificata da noti pro-paleo) di grana (e parmigiano).


MA - r l i n

kaspar hauser

18 Novembre 2009
Marlin, forse mi hai confuso con Funes! [:)]
Per conto mio i latticini, in particolare quelli fermentati, sono una manna caduta dal cielo.

Forse il 2010 sarà l'anno giusto per i saturofili:
Meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies evaluating the association of saturated fat with cardiovascular disease
Conclusions: A meta-analysis of prospective epidemiologic studies showed that there is no significant evidence for concluding that dietary saturated fat is associated with an increased risk of CHD or CVD. More data are needed to elucidate whether CVD risks are likely to be influenced by the specific nutrients used to replace saturated fat.

kaspar hauser

18 Novembre 2009
X Julien

Mitochondrial energy metabolism and ageing.

Bratic I, Trifunovic A.

Cologne Excellence Cluster on Cellular Stress Responses in Ageing-Associated
Diseases (CECAD), University of Cologne, D-50674 Cologne, Germany; Division of
Metabolic Diseases, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Karolinska Institutet,
S-14186 Stockholm, Sweden.

Ageing can be defined as a progressive, generalized impairment of function,
resulting in an increased vulnerability to environmental challenge and a growing
risk of disease and death. Ageing is likely a multifactorial process caused by
accumulated damage to a variety of cellular components. During the last 20years,
gerontological studies have revealed different molecular pathways involved in the
ageing process and pointed out mitochondria as one of the key regulator of
longevity. Increasing age in mammals correlates with increased levels of
mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations and a deteriorating respiratory chain
function. Experimental evidence in the mouse has linked increased levels of
somatic mtDNA mutations to a variety of ageing phenotypes, such as osteoporosis,
hair loss, graying of the hair, weight reduction and decreased fertility. A
mosaic respiratory chain deficiency in a subset of cells in various tissues, such
as heart, skeletal muscle, colonic crypts and neurons, is typically found in aged
humans. It has been known for a long time that respiratory-chain-deficient cells
are more prone to undergo apoptosis and an increased cell loss is therefore
likely of importance in the age-associated mitochondrial dysfunction. In this
review, we would like to point out the link between the mitochondrial energy
balance and ageing, as well as a possible connection between the mitochondrial
metabolism and molecular pathways important for the lifespan extension. Copyright
© 2009. Published by Elsevier B.V.

PMID: 20064485 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]


Mitochondrial dysfunction in an animal model of hyperoxaluria: a prophylactic
approach with fucoidan.

Veena CK, Josephine A, Preetha SP, Rajesh NG, Varalakshmi P.

Department of Medical Biochemistry, Dr. ALM. Post Graduate Institute of Basic
Medical Sciences, University of Madras, Taramani Campus, Chennai - 600 113,

Oxalate/calcium oxalate toxicity is mediated through generation of reactive
oxygen species in a process that partly depends upon events that induce
mitochondrial damage. Mitochondrial dysfunction is an important event favoring
stone formation. The objective of the present study was to investigate whether
mitochondria is a target for oxalate/calcium oxalate and the plausible role of
naturally occurring glycosaminoglycans from edible seaweed, fucoidan in
ameliorating mitochondrial damage. Male albino rats of Wistar strain were divided
into four groups and treated as follows: Group I: vehicle treated control, Group
II: hyperoxaluria was induced with 0.75% ethylene glycol in drinking water for 28
days, Group III: fucoidan from F. vesiculosus (5 mg/kg b.wt, s.c) from the 8th
day of the experimental period, Group IV: ethylene glycol+fucoidan treated rats.
The tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle enzymes like succinate dehydrogenase,
isocitrate dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase and respiratory complex enzyme
activities were assessed to evaluate mitochondrial function. Oxidative stress was
assessed based on the activities of antioxidant enzymes, level of reactive oxygen
species, lipid peroxidation and reduced glutathione. Mitochondrial swelling was
also analyzed. Ultra structural changes in renal tissue were analyzed with
electron microscope. Hyperoxaluria induced a decrease in the activities of TCA
cycle enzymes and respiratory complex enzymes. The oxidative stress was evident
by the decrease in antioxidant enzymes, glutathione and an increase in reactive
species and lipid peroxidation in mitochondria. Mitochondrial damage was evident
by increased mitochondrial swelling. Administration of fucoidan, decreased
reactive oxygen species, lipid peroxidation (P<0.05), mitochondrial swelling and
increased the activities of antioxidant enzymes and glutathione levels (P<0.05)
and normalized the activities of mitochondrial TCA cycle and respiratory complex
enzymes (P<0.05). From the present study, it can be concluded that mitochondrial
damage is an essential event in hyperoxaluria, and fucoidan was able to
effectively prevent it and thereby the renal damage in hyperoxaluria.

PMID: 18001705 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Mitochondrial damage, cytotoxicity and apoptosis in iron-potentiated alcoholic
liver fibrosis: amelioration by taurine.

Lakshmi Devi S, Anuradha CV.

Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Annamalai University, Annamalai
Nagar, Chidambaram, 608 002, Tamil Nadu, India.

Taurine effectively prevents ischemia-induced apoptosis in the cardiomyocytes and
hypothalamic nuclei. The present study explores the influence of taurine on
mitochondrial damage, oxidative stress and apoptosis in experimental liver
fibrosis. Male albino Wistar rats were divided into six groups and maintained for
a period of 60 days as follows: Group I, control; Group II, ethanol treatment [6
g/(kg/day)]; Group III, fibrosis induced by ethanol and iron (0.5% w/w); Group
IV, ethanol + iron + taurine (2% w/v); Group V, ethanol + taurine treatment and
Group VI, control + taurine treatment. Hepatocytes isolated from ethanol plus
iron-treated rats showed decreased cell viability and redox ratio, increased
reactive oxygen species formation, lipid peroxidation, DNA fragmentation, and
formation of apoptotic bodies. Liver mitochondria showed increased susceptibility
to swell, diminished activities of mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes and
antioxidants. Taurine administration to fibrotic rats restored mitochondrial
function, reduced reactive oxygen species formation, prevented DNA damage, and
apoptosis. Thus taurine might contribute to the amelioration of the disease

PMID: 19381777 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Un integratore di kelp (titolato in fucoidani) e taurina sarebbe economico e, sulla carta, con ottime referenze. Che ne dici?



9 Maggio 2004
No Kaspar, non era Funes... era in una discussione recente...[:)]

Il fucoidan agli inizi del decennio (quello appena passato, in realtà questo sarebbe l'ultimo anno..) pareva una sostanza promettente per la ricrescita dei capelli secondo studi giapponesi, poi a poco a poco non se ne è più parlato, ma ora credo stia tornando perchè l'ho visto tra le novità Smartcity:

Non c'è la taurina... (ma l'apprezzava solo Funes...[:)]).


MA - r l i n

kaspar hauser

18 Novembre 2009
Ecco la discussione recente:

La soluzione, semplice, l'ha trovata Marlin: eliminare cereali (e aggiungo legumi). Punto.
Una volta eliminati questi e dato tempo all'intestino di recuperare la propria integrità, spariscono anche le varie intolleranze e/o allergie a latticini, lieviti, agrumi, acari ecc.

Marlin, non serve essere celiaci conclamati per essere intolleranti al glutine: io non sono celiaco, ma se mangio una pizza la sera, la notte dormo male e il giorno dopo ho scariche ... a cosa si deve credere: al proprio intestino o all'asterisco sulle analisi? :)

Come vedi ero contro i cereali, neutro sui latticini. Che anzi scagionavo.


9 Maggio 2004
Si mi era rimasto impresso perchè mi davi ragione[:)], così mi sono allagrato vedendo che nominavi pure i latticini...

Per ora vado avanti con il grana (e il parmigiano, a volte, ma a me piace più il primo...). Peraltro molti degli amminoacidi nominati in questa sezione come benefici per i capelli sono contenuti in questo formaggio e in quantità notevoli.

Prolina e lisina :

Cui aggiungerei la leucina (eminenetemente antisarcopenica secondo studi recenti inviati da Julien):

Ma l'intera scheda del Grana è sorprendente (per il fatto che collimerebbe con le cose che si dicono per pubblicizzare questo tipo di formaggi...):

Possiamo quindi concordare su questo....[:)]


MA - r l i n


kaspar hauser

18 Novembre 2009
Il grana non è sorprendente [:)], è solo concentrato. La stagionatura diminuisce la % di acqua e quindi la concentrazione di nutrienti aumenta. Ma ne riusciamo anche a mangiare di meno, rispetto ad un formaggio più giovane. Quindi confrontando una scaglia di grana o una fetta di mezzano, i valori assoluti di nutrienti sono simili. De gustibus


9 Maggio 2004
Il grana comunque da l'idea di un formaggio che non si attacca all'intestino e visto che il mio esperimento di evitare i latticini va soprattutto in questo senso penso che se questa teoria ha delle basi, sia meglio insistere col grana rispetto ai formaggio molli e semiduri, credo infatti venisse consigliato, unico tra i formaggio o quasi (sicuramente insieme a parmigiano e trentino) anche per questo motivo.

Quanto ai gusti, a me piace veramente e sin da piccolo vado matto per la parte più dura, detta crosta (di solito è la parte vicina alla vera crosta che è durissima). Credo che lì la concentrazione cui ti riferisci sia ancora maggiore e l'integrazione coi nutrienti molto più accentuata.


MA - r l i n


21 Marzo 2005
>>molti degli amminoacidi nominati in questa sezione come benefici per i capelli sono contenuti in questo formaggio e >>in quantità notevoli.
Prolina e lisina :

La lisina mi pare sia coinvolta nell'assobimento del ferro, donde l' utilità per i capelli nel prevenire eventuali anemie, ma non è che assumendone più del necessario si migliora i trofismo. La prolina è un amminoacido che compare nella keratina, ma vale la stessa considerazione di cui sopra.
La leucina sarà antisarcopenica ma è un privilegiato attivatore dell'mTOR che conduce a senescenza quindi a uno dei suoi più frequenti effetti collaterali, ovvero la sarcopenia. Purtroppo le cose in sé sono complesse.


9 Maggio 2004
La leucina viene seganalato proprio nello studio che mi hai inviato su come combattere la sarcopenia nell'anziano e nel quale veniva consigliato insieme a questa anche i restanti BCAA (isoleucina e valina), quindi esercizio fisico e antiossidanti. Non credo che solo questi ultimi due controbilancino l'azione della prima, quindi i conti con l'mTor non tornerebbero, nel senso che sarebbe più la senescenza evitata che quella indotta.

La cosa è complessa, ma potrebbe essere anche una questione di equilibri stabili o instabili tra il percorso mTOR e il percorso delle Sirt1 (come suggerito nel link postato sopra da Kaspar). Oppure più semplicemente di effetto prevalente con l'assunzione di una sostanza in certe dosi (magari a dosi più alte o più basse l'effetto svanisce o si inverte).


MA - r l i n

kaspar hauser

18 Novembre 2009
Mi si nota di più se è l'mTor e me ne stò in disparte o se non è mTor per niente? (Ecce Bombo, 1978)

Non sarete troppo mTor-centrici? [:)]


9 Maggio 2004
Mah, questa discussione ha una sua logica che spesso si perde nelle numerose pagine (l'altro giorno ho potuto vedere che il post n°1 di Julien del 4 nov. 2005 parla del finocchio che è tornato di attualità di recente...).

Julien a un certo punto ha capito giustamente che la calvizie è una situazione di senescenza localizzata allo scalpo e indotta da vari fattori (principalmente ormonali e ossidativi). Ha quindi pensato che per battere la calvizie servisse qualcosa che ringiovanisse, così post dopo post si è arrivati al percorso mTor, che è quello che, se inibito, perlomeno rallenta l'invecchiamento; quindi per chi ha uno scalpo che vale la pena ancora di conservare può essere una soluzione puntare sull'inibizione di questo percorso.

Viceversa per chi deve recuperare può essere necessario puntare sull'anabolismo dei tessuti anche se questo può significare attivare l'mTor.

Per la questione longevità probabilmente si può procedere con un colpo al cerchio e uno alla botte, anche se non si può andare forse troppo lontano rispetto a quanto stabilito dai geni e dal destino (inteso, al netto di accidenti, come lo sviluppo stocastico-probabilistico di tumori fatali - toccatevi pure[:)]).


MA - r l i n


21 Marzo 2005
Io proporrei invece della leucina piuttosto una generosa supplementazione di Glutammina.

E' un amminoacido unico dal punto di vista metabolico: favorirebbe la sintesia proteica inibendo al contempo l'mTOR
Mi pare sia anche utilizzato come moneta energetica nei muscoli e rilasciato nel sangue in caso di digiuno.


9 Maggio 2004
L'acido glutammico va bene uguale ? Perchè, come postato sopra. il grana è particolarmente dotato di questa sostanza:


MA - r l i n