rot, sorry, but you don't make much sense either.
So, according to you, spato is giving a fraudulent lotion - no liposomes in it but a single - undetermined - ingredient that is giving people all sorts of side effects (from arrhythmia to groin pain); in addition to that he is posting pictures of his own hairline to track results from something he himself should know is a fraud. How does that make any sense to you is a mystery to me... In addition, you attack him because he responds with generic statements, and yet you use the exact same technique: a very vague accusation, no names, no specifics. There is not validity in anything you say. Why would a 'well renown member of the German board' lend himself to such a joke? what a great sense of ethics for such an outstanding member of the science field conducting an analysis on a lotion coming from a doubtful source, analyzed in the premises of his own work place and giving statements on it such as: it does not contain liposomes but only one ingredient?
Are you so miserable that you can pay $180 to buy the lotion but cannot afford to pay the analysis and post us the results, the receipts and the name of the laboratory? and yet isn't this the same critics you do to spato....?
do you really think we're all suckers??
rot ha scritto:
spatolatorefolle ha scritto:
Ha già risposto artiglio e scrivendo ben 2 volte la stessa cosa, probabilmente non si e' capito che per fare ciò che abbiamo fatto (e l ho scritto anche sul blog) si e' agito in determinati modi per eludere e non avere problemi di sorta, semplicemente non esistono fatture o ricevute cosi'... Fare 2+2 e' troppo difficile...
Come detto in altri post questa iniziativa viene osteggiata da giugno per interessi di altro tipo e' palese a tutti che gli attacchi sono a ripetizione (l'ultimo il fake dell analisi dove ognuno può inviare ciò che crede tra l altro senza esporsi dicendo chi e' per quanto ne so a differenza mia che ho usato nome cognome e recapito qui queste persone vivono nell ombra del loro Nick.
Ormai sono mesi che vanno avanti, il risultato pero' e' che vengono smentiti da loro stessi, ad ogni modo ribadisco che chi ha aderito lo ha fatto sotto la propria responsabilità come detto piu' volte sul blog.
Spato, sorry but you make zero sense. Why would I oppose the GB? I paid you 170€ for 2 lotions!!! Why would the German chemist opose your group buy? He doesn't sell anything, he's just a longstanding member of the German board!
Every time someone asks a question you respond in the same manner! Why are there no invoices and receits? You said that you bought the ingredients off a supplier! There must be something you can show that you did that.