vabbé, con molta modestia, sono cose scritte su tutti i testi di biologia molecolare. Quanto a ciò che più strettamente ci riguarda il punto è che l'azione ormonale nel maschio sovra-esprime i geni connessi all'infiammazione. Questo già era parzialmente noto in quanto le ferite negli uomini rimarginano meno velocemente che nelle donne.
FOLLOWING A DECADE of intensive research, a sub- stantial body of work describes the contrasting influ- ences of androgenic and estrogenic sex steroids on the heal- ing of acute skin wounds. Whereas the so called male hormones testosterone and its metabolite 5#1113088;-dihydrotestos- terone (DHT) inhibit repair (1, 2), 17#1113089;-estradiol accelerates recovery (3, 4). In young male rodents, wound healing may be improved through either bilateral castration or systemic androgen receptor blockade (1), which accelerate repair by increasing collagen deposition and reducing local produc- tion of the proinflammatory cytokine TNF-#1113088;. Moreover, in a group of aged men, excisional wounds areas were positively correlated with circulating testosterone levels (1). In elderly women, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) by contrast reversed an age-linked decline in skin regenerative capacity, accelerating reepithelialization and increasing the TGF-#1113089;1- stimulated deposition of collagen (3). In both males and females, topically applied estrogen enhanced wound repair, repressing neutrophil recruitment and resultant secretion of the degradative enzyme elastase (4).