The prostaglandin PGH2 is formed from arachidonate
by the action of a cyclooxygenase (COX), also known as
prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase (PGHS). PGH2 is
the substrate for subsequent enzymatic modi#64257;cations
leading to the prostaglandins (PGD2, PGE2, PGF2a),
prostacyclin (PGI2) and thromboxane A2. There are two
isoforms of PGHS, a widely distributed constitutive form
PGHS-1, and an inducible form PGHS-2. The PGHS-1
isoform has been immunolocalized to the dermal papilla
of human hair follicles during anagen and catagen.
Immunostaining for PGHS-2 was also seen in the
dermal papilla but staining was weaker than that for
PGHS-1 and was present only in anagen follicles.
Minoxidil (AC50 ¼ 80 lmol L
) stimulated the activity of puri#64257;ed ovine PGHS-1 in vitro and increased
production of PGE2 in cultured human dermal papilla
cells and mouse #64257;broblasts. Lachgar et al.
also found
that minoxidil (12 lmol L
) stimulated PGE2 production by cultured dermal papilla cells, in this case derived
from rat vibrissae, as well as production of leukotriene
B4. They also found that minoxidil inhibited prostacyclin synthesis by dermal papilla cells (measured as
6-keto-prostaglandin F1a
), as had an earlier study using
bovine endothelial cells.
Prostanoids have many
biological functions in different tissues, acting through
speci#64257;c G protein-coupled receptors
and, in some
cases, via nuclear receptors.
We do not know whether
prostanoids have a physiological role in regulating hair
growth, although, latanoprost, a topical synthetic
PGF2a analogue used in the treatment of glaucoma,
causes hypertrichosis of the eyelashes.
Topical treatment with latanoprost also stimulates hair regrowth on
the scalp in balding stumptail macaques.
avete mai letto ciò? Forse il minoxidil,(dato che il meccanismo d'azione non è ancora ben noto per quanto riguarda l'aga),potrebbe agire,come agiranno i futuri farmaci x la calvizie come il latanaprost?!
L'articolo l'ho preso da pubmed...è un articolo scientifico,quindi attendibile
qui si legge meglio,altrimenti rischiate di impazzire =)