noel830 ha scritto:
Ciao Frankie ,
secondo alcuni la luce pulsata in sè puó portare a maggiori risultati:
seguendo questo principo possiamo anche toccare più frequenze utili per la nostra causa, quindi dovrebbero aumentare le possibilitá di risultati;
Additionally reasurchers believe that one of the mechanisms of action of Low Level Laser Therapy on a cellular level is the photodissociation of nitric oxide from a protein binding site such as those found in cyctochrome c oxidase. If this process occurs it is likely that the nitric oxide would rebind to the same site even in the presence of continuous light. Therefore if the light was pulsed multiple photodissociation events could occur, while in CW mode the number of dissociations may be much smaller.
non so dirti esattamente quanti tra gli utilizzatori di omg abbiano poi acquistato anche il pulsdrive,
il boost sarebbe anche difficile da quantificare.
Noi nel dubbio lo vogliamo integrare nel dispositivo
Pulsing - are you talking about pulsing once per second? (like laser cap e.g.) which I think useless - or do you mean strobing at frequency 160Hz like professional in-klinik machines do - since last century? If you didn't think of this in the beginning it may be quite difficult to implement now - strobing 400 laser diodes with 20mA each = 8 Amp in total - this is not EASY..