artiglio5825 ha scritto:
losing hair ha scritto:
shisui ha scritto:
noel naturalmente ancora non si sa quando sarà pronto questo nuovo dispositivo e l'eventuale prezzo vero??perchè pensavo di comparmi il casco tra un mesetto,ma se poco dopo esce la versione 2.0 ([
]) aspetto quella
Good luck with your mission -
We built our first laser device with approx. 300 diodes with 5mW power each - lots of wires hanging out - it really looked like a prototype but we were able to take it even skiing to the Alps, through airports where security asked questions (with a smile)...what on Earth is this
- this was 3 years ago and since than we made it look somewhat better - in the picture is generation 2 prototype with 8 panels 54 laser diodes each = total of 432 laser diodes!! one of us still uses it today...
But we developed a new 3.gen device with 5 panels 54 diodes each = 270 diodes and it seems to be the optimal set up.
Because we are outside Europe it is not good for Europeans because of import duties and 20% VAT..
So your idea of developing this product made in Italy makes perfect sense. Please if you can keep it under Euro 400 - that would be great.
good luck..
I don't know how to attache pistures. - can anyone help?
Tu produci un casco laser? Ho capito bene?
Per le immagini puoi usare imageshack o siti similari.
Please consider (not flashing like capilus) strobing @160Hz like hare kliniks do - that is proven to enhance cell stimulation and the circuitry is very simple - I can help with that...
I could not make the picture upload to imageshack - it is too difficult...
here is a link instead..