Excessive oxytocin or Over-masturbation/Over-ejaculation triggers excessive testosterone-DHT conversion in the prostate and testicles. This is why frequent orgasm can cause excessive DHT level in the blood streamline. GABA can reduce the oxytocin synthesis while excessive L-arginine in conjunction with a high level of androgen hormone can over-excite the hypothalamus oxytocinergic nervous system for Heat and excessive testosterone-DHT conversion. On the other hand, excessive orgasm also produce excessive prolactin and epinephrine to induce the arterial constriction for a poor blood circulation everywhere in your body, particularly, scalp, prostate and joints. 5-HTP can reduce the epinephrine release from the hypothalamus, brain stem and adrenal medulla.
6. Exposure to stress and steroid related toxins in the environment are likely to increase the activity of 5-alpha reductase for more testosterone-DHT conversion.
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