he says he uses:
Orally: Ricin (castor) Oil, Sulfasalazine, Dutasteride, He Shou Wu ( Fo Ti )
Topically: Ricin (castor) Oil with 20% DMSO, heating with a UV-B lamp, Careprost (latisse), miconazole, derminator, lithium chloride.
Some more info:
-He Shou Wu is a 20:1 extract.
-UV-B lamp is a cheap one from eBay, meant for skin diseases
-Sulfasalazine to increase endogenous PGE2 and PGF2A, and lowers PGD2 slightly
-Miconazole for PGE1 in the morning, everything else in the evening.
-Lithium Chloride for GSG3-B, CD200, and CD34, potentially synergic with dermarolling?
His basic premise is : PGE2 increase, PGD2 decrease, NF-KB control + CD34 & CD200 stimulation.