Citazione:Messaggio inserito da Marlin
Sono solo ipotesi e ragionamenti fatti in attesa dell'esito dei loro test
Marlin, premetto che per quanto ne sai ti stimo parecchio, ma ora voglio romperti le scatole e capire cosa ne pensi di questo, citando testualmente dalla patente Follica: (non so se l'avete gia letto, io l'avevo letta e l'ho ritrovata per caso su un altro forum, e quindi provo a postarla)
To determine whether human skin responded to EDIHN as did mouse skin, human skin was grafted onto SCID (immuno-deficient) mice and subjected to depilation by plucking and wound induction three days later. Seven days following wound induction, formation of new HF was observed in the human skin (Figure 2 IA; arrows indicate new HF) by hematoxylin and eosin staining of paraffin embedded tissue sections.
[000212] In additional experiments, adult human skin was grafted onto mice., abraded, and examined at 7 days post-abrasion. New HF were generated in the human skkx, which mimicked normal hair follicle formation during fetal development, as evidenced by staining for SlOO A6 or S100A4 (Figure 21B).
[000213] The results of this Example show that EDIHN can be used to generate hair growth inhuman skin as for mouse skin.
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