It has been a busy few months at Follicept. We are seeing convincing results that are hard to capture in pictures, but if there was a product that had amazing results at 4 months, none of us would be here. We are unable to go forward with a clinical trial at this time for reasons beyond our control, so we want to push forward in other ways.
The bottom line is that we are almost ready to release a private batch. Some critical details:
1. Please answer this survey if you are in the US to help us finalize details.
2. We can only ship to the US for now. We can’t yet accommodate the customs and import laws in other countries. If you have a US address, we can get it to you. Please do not request an exception, we are sorry but we can’t!
3. The price is not quite finalized, and depends largely on how many orders we get. Between $60-125 per month, as IGF-1 is very expensive at smaller quantities. Shipping will be a flat $20 regardless of order size.
Note that this is experimental- we don’t know the outcomes beyond 4 months so far, and we are not making any claims or promises. This is up to you to try, and we totally understand if you want to wait for more evidence. We do ask that you keep track via pictures and notes of your progress so that we can collect data on patterns and people on whom it seems to work best. Further, we strongly advise against using minoxidil and other topicals given the possibility for negative interactions that we have not studied.
We really appreciate your support thus far. The plan is to finalize details based on your survey responses, begin taking orders in the next 1-2 weeks, and only keep orders open for a total of 1-2 weeks, then manufacture one big batch and ship out within 4-6 weeks of closing the orders. This allows us to minimize our costs and therefore your costs.
Technically, this means we will have to send you a second email- sorry about that J. We are very excited!
Team Follicept
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