ho buttato giù una bozza di email che sarebbe meglio scrivere però a nome del forum...posto qui il succo...se qualche moderatore mi autorizza a mandarla a nome di ieson lo aggiungo al testo poi metto i saluti e mando...altrimenti mando a nome mio e nn vi dico niente []
il testo è questo: The 25\7\2007 interim report leaves us a little confused, we have 2 important questions :
1)Are the percentages reported in 25\7\2007 about icx-trc referred to number of injection? for example: 55% of increasing in hair counts means that 55 new hairs grow from 100 injection?
2)When you say In the second sub-group (5 patients in total) injected more recently, all
patients showed substantial and visible increased hair counts at 6 and/or 12
weeks (13-105%). you mean that 13% is the lower percentage of increasing in hair counts in all 5 patients and 107% the higher one; or 13% is the percentage of increasing hair count after 6 week and 105% after 12 weeks?
il testo è questo: The 25\7\2007 interim report leaves us a little confused, we have 2 important questions :
1)Are the percentages reported in 25\7\2007 about icx-trc referred to number of injection? for example: 55% of increasing in hair counts means that 55 new hairs grow from 100 injection?
2)When you say In the second sub-group (5 patients in total) injected more recently, all
patients showed substantial and visible increased hair counts at 6 and/or 12
weeks (13-105%). you mean that 13% is the lower percentage of increasing in hair counts in all 5 patients and 107% the higher one; or 13% is the percentage of increasing hair count after 6 week and 105% after 12 weeks?