Ho trovato questo intervento in un thread di HairLoss Help, che non tratta di questa ACell Vet, ma di un prodotto similare, che - almeno in America - pare venga usato comunemente negli uomini.
Riporto: (no, non quello in testa [
] )
I'm not looking to rain on the parade here, but a dose a realism seems to be in order.
The product you're touting is very similar to one I made mention of sometime back on the old forums. It's called Cymetra and is made by Lifecell(known for it's Alloderm products) and it's licenced under different names to a few companies - one of which I worked for. In one form or another, it's been used around 1.5 million times in surgical applications.
Basically the product is a decellularized matrix that has the dna/rna components(what causes rejection) removed. It signals the body to repopulate with the local cells when applied properly AND followed up on properly.
What this means for HT's:
Wound areas need to be kept moist - generally a bolster dressing with mineral oil (or equivalent) to prevent the surface from drying out. This would require that the entire area treated be shaved to at least stubble length.
That's dressing stays on a week before it's first changed - and great care still has to be taken not to dislodge the graft material during that change.
The hair on the human head is significantly different than the fur that grows on other animals. Dermis gets full multi-layer regrowth on a dog or mouse and you're pretty much gonna get fur(that's the programming) - not so with peoples scalps. Relatively scar free donor site healing would be expected - provided the matrix was applied to full wound depth and didn't dislodge during the healing process. I wouldn't hold out high hopes for follicular regeneration on the head. For body hair? Maybe. It would also allow for a slightly larger gauge needle to be used to prevent transsection of the follicle because scarring wouldn't be as much of a concern(if the technique is capable of being developed that is). Would the BH grow back? I dunno... People more knowledgable about repopulation of BH with dermal regrowth would need to chime in. I don't recall seeing it in adult human patients - but I was selling it for use in diabetic foot wounds, not much hair down there.
Purtroppo non sembra dare molte speranze per il fine per cui vorremmo usarla noi. Oltertutto, questi prodotti potrebbero essere estremamente cari.
Ad ogni modo, prima ho inviato una mail alla ACell per chiarimenti, vediamo se mi daranno del pazzo! [8)]