Ottime considerazioni las vegas, niente sarebbe da escludere, per cui io mi faccio da parte e lascio che le cose si evolvano come Dio vuole, senza skierarmi nè dalla parte dei pessimisti nè dalla parte degli ottimisti.
Purtroppo ho letto solo ora l'indirizzo e-mail, vabbè ho scritto una letterina, ci saranno un bel pò di errori visto che sto ormai dimenticando il mio inglese provetto, ma sono sicuro che se risponderanno questi errori mi verranno perdonati, l'importante è ke kapiscano il senso, e sono sicuro che lo faranno.
L'e-mail che ho scritto è questa, che comprende gli ultimi aggiornamenti sull'intercytex di cui ero io a conoscenza, non so se voi avevate notizie più fresche ma non è sicuramente essenziale:
Dear Sirs,
I'm Hosni Lapedota, a young boy affected by male pattern baldness, I'm almost 20 years old and I'm a reader of the most
famous italian forum of androgenetic alopecia so i'm writing to provide information at all
the forum of, as you can see we hold all our hopes in your
project to destroy this problem that we hold in our heads for all our existences.
i'm writing you to know how your project is going on, all the forum read with interest all the steps of your
project and the last information that we obtained was:
Intercytex raises £12 million in financing round
2nd August 2005
2nd August 2005, Cambridge , UK - Intercytex, the cell therapy company developing products for the advanced woundcare and aesthetic medicine markets, today announces that it has raised £12 million in a private equity financing from its existing shareholders: Avlar BioVentures, Merlin Biosciences, 3i, Cambridge Gateway Partnership, NIF Ventures and Scottish Equity Partners.
“We are extremely pleased to have raised this considerable sum which allows us to significantly advance all our projects,” said Nick Higgins, Intercytex' Chief Executive Officer, “We are fortunate to have such committed and supportive investors.”
The financing will be used to complete Phase III trials of ICX-PRO, Intercytex' active woundcare product, take ICX-TRC, its hair regeneration product, through later stage clinical trials and to move ICX-SKN, a living skin replacement, into the Xxxxxx.
Then we would like to know what movements have gained your project, and how will you move in the future?
Hair multiplication for transplants or stam injections?
I look forward to hear you again.
Best wishes for an happy new Year,