x sqall...un nuovo topico che riduce il sebo


21 Marzo 2004
Ho trovato un recentissimo studio. Aiutami a scoprire qualcosa di più, ciao!
BRL 7660, a 16,16 di-substituted androstene steroid, was initially developed by Beecham Pharmaceuticals as a potential anti-fertility agent for males. It proved inactive in this area, but subsequent studies showed it to be a potent testosterone 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor. It showed little classical steroidal activity but reduced sebum secretion in the rat. In the hamster flank organ, it reduced the stimulant effect of testosterone but not 5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone after topical administration, but had little oral activity. Human studies showed that topical administration significantly reduced sebum secretion. Acne symptoms were reduced in many patients who showed enthusiasm for the treatment. Placebo effects were variable and reduced significance, which suggested that further formulation studies were required. Commercial pressures from other drugs in development prevented our researchers from pursuing this approach, and the project was terminated.


21 Marzo 2004
Ho trovato un recentissimo studio. Aiutami a scoprire qualcosa di più, ciao!
BRL 7660, a 16,16 di-substituted androstene steroid, was initially developed by Beecham Pharmaceuticals as a potential anti-fertility agent for males. It proved inactive in this area, but subsequent studies showed it to be a potent testosterone 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor. It showed little classical steroidal activity but reduced sebum secretion in the rat. In the hamster flank organ, it reduced the stimulant effect of testosterone but not 5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone after topical administration, but had little oral activity. Human studies showed that topical administration significantly reduced sebum secretion. Acne symptoms were reduced in many patients who showed enthusiasm for the treatment. Placebo effects were variable and reduced significance, which suggested that further formulation studies were required. Commercial pressures from other drugs in development prevented our researchers from pursuing this approach, and the project was terminated.


21 Marzo 2004
Ho trovato un recentissimo studio. Aiutami a scoprire qualcosa di più, ciao!
BRL 7660, a 16,16 di-substituted androstene steroid, was initially developed by Beecham Pharmaceuticals as a potential anti-fertility agent for males. It proved inactive in this area, but subsequent studies showed it to be a potent testosterone 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor. It showed little classical steroidal activity but reduced sebum secretion in the rat. In the hamster flank organ, it reduced the stimulant effect of testosterone but not 5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone after topical administration, but had little oral activity. Human studies showed that topical administration significantly reduced sebum secretion. Acne symptoms were reduced in many patients who showed enthusiasm for the treatment. Placebo effects were variable and reduced significance, which suggested that further formulation studies were required. Commercial pressures from other drugs in development prevented our researchers from pursuing this approach, and the project was terminated.
15 Dicembre 2004
ciao lucotto, scusa il ritardo....
ritorniamo sempre li, è un inibitore della 5 alfa red non credo sia così efficace.....
io mi uso un sapone della exfoliac, una crema idratante leggera della aveene e dermaseb, un preparato contro la dermatite seborroica tutto naturale, veramente efficace che non fa male ne da effetti rebound. Ovviamente tutto questo non fa che diminuire unn po' la visibilità del problema, ma questo sembra quanto di meglio ci sia al mimento. E' dura ma stò provando ad accettare la cosa, prima però ho voluto come tu ben sai provare di tutto, chissà se ce la farò??
Da quando la metto dermaseb mi ha didotto l' di parecchio il rossore e l' irritazione, diminuendo un po' per quanto possibile la secrezione dovuta ad effetto rebound del lavaggio e dall' irritazione stessa. Questa almeno è stata la mia impressione. Tutto ciò, lo ripeto, non vuol dire che ti risolve il problema, ne che cambia la situazione radicalmente.
fammi sapere qualcosa
15 Dicembre 2004
nn ricordo, perlopiù sono naturali, ne va messo pochissimo sennò ti ostruisce i pori anche se non è comedogenica. E' usata per la dermatite seborroica.