stem cell


9 Gennaio 2009
Thank you for your email.
The ICX-TRC phase II trials are now fully recruited and we are not looking for any more volunteers. We hope to have trial data available Q2 2009.
We currently have no definitive plans for future trials (timelines or locations) and do not have a database to record the contact details of people who may be interested in taking part but please feel free to check the Intercytex website ( for potential updates. If you have any other questions please look at our frequently asked question page which can be found at
Thank you again for your interest in Intercytex.

questa la risposta k ho ricevuto, x vs informazione, ho chiesto di provare pagando, secondo me è una bufala.



5 Maggio 2003
Ah chicca,
ma di Intercytex parliamo da una vita! Veramente io tifo per loro... [:D]
Grazie di averci girato la mail, vediamo quanto ancora ci metteranno con sti trial!
un bacione

Ricordatevi di consultare la homepage


24 Agosto 2007
una delucidazione in pratica intercitex tratta di rigenerazione dei bulbi peliferi in illimitata quantità
quindi è interessante per chi deve effettuare un trapianto!rispondete


6 Maggio 2003
sarebbe una tecnica diversa dal trapianto, con bulbi illimitati


L'aga rende tutto maledettamente complicato


6 Maggio 2003
no, sarebbero semplici iniezioni


L'aga rende tutto maledettamente complicato


30 Aprile 2008
xè c'è gente che posta senza sapere niente,. io nn lo so..mi devo incacchiare, ma pensa te.

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19 Maggio 2008
Gli aggiornamenti dovrebbero esserci a marzo con il risultato e gli assestamenti fotografici della fase II di ICX-TRC come è scritto sul sito. Attualmente non cercano volontari perchè tutti sono stati recrutati per la fase II nel 2008, in ogni caso i volontari devono risiedere nella zona di manchester per essere continuamente monitorati. La fase tre non è ancora programmata/prevista quindi non cercano volontari. Nella lettera però leggo che i risultati saranno disponibili a Q2 2009 che è dopo ripsetto a quello che c'è scritto nel sito. In ogni modo staremo a vedere.


19 Maggio 2008
q2 il secondo quarto dell'anno.. Questa tecnica si basa sull'estrazione di cellule della papilla dermica (Si prende al paziente un pezzettino di pelle) che vengono messe in coltura e alla fine reiniettate nello scalpo. A questo punto dovrebbero ricrescere nuovi capelli.


19 Maggio 2008
Intanto c'è da vedere i risultati della fase II e se è il caso di fare la fase III. Secondo me si può realisticamente dire che prima di 3-4 anni non può essere sul mercato. Comunque è inutile fare pronostici quando ancora non si sa nulla, anche sul sito c'è scritto che anche loro ne sapranno di più col proseguo della sperimentazione. Se poi funzionasse bene e non presentasse grossi problemi anche dovessimo aspettare 5-6 anni io sarei contentissimo.


5 Maggio 2003
Allora vi aggiorno da parte di chicca [:D][ov]:

They are a research company and are not conducting any trials at present. They have just finished phase II of trials & have no specific plans for phase III yet. They expect to publish the Phase II results at the end of Q1 on the website. They will also use their website to recruit patients for Phase III when they are ready for this. They do not keep lists or contact people but rely on their website so they recommend watching the website.

Farjo Institute

I could only speak to the receptionist but they are planning some trials in March / April & will send me an application form on Monday. Once we have this I will follow-up.

Both said that location was important as frequent tests need to be done so easy access to the clinics is important.

Una seconda mail:

Citazione:Thank you for your enquiry regarding the hair trials. The trial company (Intercytex) are hoping to hold further clinical trials (phase III) in the near future, though at present the trial design is under development and there are no timelines regarding this phase.

When further information is available it will be posted on the web site, Please feel free to consult
< for potential updates. In the meantime we will keep your details on our database and forward you any up to
date information.
On behalf of Farjo Medical Centre

C'era un allegato, ve lo copio...
(Lifestyle Questionnaire and Viral Blood Testing)
Title of Study: A Phase lIa Uncontrolled Study To Evaluate Hair Growth In Subjects With Male-Pattern Baldness Using A Cell Suspension Of Expanded Autologous Dermal Papilla Cells (ICX-TRC)
Researcher: Dr Bessam Farjo
Patient Name: _
In order to provide protection to patients and research staff from the possibility of transmittable diseases, samples cannot be taken from donors infected with human pathogens including Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) or belonging to high-risk groups associated with infectious diseases.
To be able to donate tissue in this study it is important that you have not been exposed to certain blood borne infectious diseases.
This will be assessed through the use of a lifestyle questionnaire and a blood test, in accordance with Department of Health Guidelines that aim to prevent infection following donation of human tissues.
Pre-test Counsellinq
Pre-test counselling will be provided to all patients wishing to participate in the study. This is to discuss having blood tests performed, how you will be informed of results and who to go to should you wish to receive further information. Counselling will be performed by a trained counsellor, at the Xxxxxx and prior to a blood sample being taken.
Lifestvle Questionnaire
The lifestyle questionnaire will ask some relatively personal questions about your sexual history and past lifestyle.
Viral Blood Tests
A sample of your blood will be sent to a local accredited laboratory and screened for specific transmissible diseases. The screening tests will include tests for previous exposure to infectious agents such as HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and Syphilis. Tests will be repeated once after three months to confirm the initial results.
In order to carry out the blood tests, the nurse will need to take a teaspoon full (5 ml) of blood from you.
What are the risks to vou of QivinQ a sample of blood?
It is possible that you may have a small bruise at the site from where the blood sample was taken. The only hazards that may be imposed are those consistent with taking blood i.e. pain at the site of needle puncture, possible bruising and rarely fainting.
Results of the tests will be sent to the Investigator looking after you. These will be stored confidentially with your Xxxxxx notes.
Negative results: When negative tests results are returned you will be able to continue your participation in the study.
Positive results: All positive results will be disclosed to you. If any of the test results are positive a repeat test will be undertaken to ensure the result is correct. If the repeat test is found to be positive, a confirmatory test is performed. You will not need to provide a second blood sample.
Should any of the results test positive on the repeat test, the Investigator will notify you in a confidential manner. You will be unable to continue with the study.
With your written consent you will be referred back to a trained counsellor for medical support. The counsellor will discuss the result with you and your close family if you so wish. The counsellor's support is free of charge and available at your discretion.
With written permission, the results will be forwarded to your G.P.
Should you decide to participate in the study you will be identified by a unique identification number. This number is used in all references to your blood and tissues and prevents you from being identified as a donor. The research staff will only have access to your name, and your personal details will be kept confidential at all times. Your rights are protected under the Data Protection Act, 1998.
If you do decide to continue with the study you will be given this information sheet to keep and you will be asked to sign a consent form indicating that you agree to take part in the study and that you are willing to have your blood tested for the diseases described including HIV.
Who to contact
If you have any further questions about the procedures, tests or any related issues, either now or later, please do not hesitate to contact the Xxxxxx.

All correspondence:
Farjo Medical Centre Arthur House Chorlton Street Manchester Ml 3FH
130 Harley Street London WIG 7JU
Tel: 0870 7555 495 International: (+44) 1612373517 Fax: 0161 2373279

Title of Study:
Patient Name:
Part 1

A Phase lIa Uncontrolled Study To Evaluate Hair Growth In Subjects With Male-Pattern Baldness Using A Cell Suspension Of Expanded Autologous Dermal Papilla Cells (ICXTRC)
Dr. Bessam Farjo

You are being invited to take part in a research study. Before you decide whether you want to take part, it is important for you to understand why the research is being done and what it will involve. Please take the time to read the following information carefully and discuss it with others if you wish .
• Part 1 tells you the purpose of this studyand what will happen to you if you decide to take part.
• Part 2 gives you more detailed information about the conduct of the study.
Ask a member of the research team if there is anything that is not clear or if you would like more information.
Take the time to decide whether or not you wish to take part.
Thank you for reading this.
What is the purpose of the study?
This study is being conducted to evaluate a new product called 'ICX-TRC' that has been developed to treat patients with Male Pattern Baldness (MPB). MPS or Androgenetic Alopecia is thought to result from a change in the size of hair follicles on the head. This type of hair loss is known to progress with age and is particularly prominent in men over 25 years. A common way of treating hair loss is to take a small sample of your skin under local anaesthetic from the back of the head and


9 Gennaio 2009
ciao a tutti, allora mia cugina abita vicino a londra e ha parlato lei. questo è il modulo di applicazione i trials li fanno ora.questo è modulo x l'invito a fare il trial ma io non me la sento, non è una passeggiata. lunedì parlo ancora con mia cugina x gli ulteriori dettagli. quello che so è che lo studio rinaldi è in collaborazione o contatto con la tecnica di farjo. ho preso appuntamento con lo studio x avere aggiornamenti. anche se ci vorranno tre o quattro anni non è così lontano e secondo me è l'alternativa migliore dovesse funzionare.



19 Maggio 2008
Allora dalle e-mail di chicca dicono che a fine marzo ci dovrebbero essere i risultati della fase II e sperano di fare la fase III. speriamo


9 Marzo 2007

qui se ne parla gia ampiamente... e secondo loro i primi risultati se ne parla intorno al 2010 (io non so convinto)!
chiccab dov è questo studio Rinaldi?