Indication: Male and female pattern baldness
Technology: OSH101 (drug for hair growth)
Intellectual Property: OsteoScreen holds patents for the use of OSH101 for stimulating hair growth.
Plan: OsteoScreen will develop OSH101 with the Center for Clinical and Basic Research (CCBR), a world renowned clinical Contract Research Organization located in Copenhagen, Denmark. The CCBR will perform the Phase I and Phase II Clinical trials at its facilities.
#61607; OSH101 significantly enhanced hair growth in laboratory models by stimulating dormant hair follicles.
#61607; OSH101 produced superior results to Rogaine® in the same models.
#61607; OSH101 enhanced hair re-growth in a chemotherapy-induced alopecia model.
#61607; Non-GLP pre-clinical toxicity studies showed OSH101 is safe.
#61607; Phase I clinical trials are underway.
Possible Indications:
1. Male and Female Pattern Baldness
2. Chemotherapy-induced alopecia.
3. Alopecia areata (autoimmune skin disease resulting in hair loss).
4. Age-related hair thinning.
5. Post-transplant hair re-growth.
company called Osteoscreen developed OSH101, a powerful stimulator of new hair growth a few years ago. It is so poweful that you only need to apply it daily, for 21 days, then STOP.....and watch new hair grow ! (then repeat the 21 day cycle again sometime later). It is now once-daily over two 14-day treatment periods, which were separated by a one-month drug-free interval.