Minoxidil+tretinoina, articolo sull'assorbimento


5 Settembre 2005
Vi incollo un vecchio articolo in inglese, o meglio l'abstract, sarebbe interessatne se qualcuno lo potesse postare leggere quello integrale
I coda all'articolo i miei dubbi...

Nineteen healthy male volunteers completed a three-way, randomized, crossover study to determine the effect of the synthetic retinoid, tretinoin, on percutaneous absorption of minoxidil. Subjects received, for 20 days, twice-daily administrations of 1 ml of an aqueous 2% topical minoxidil solution either alone, with once-daily applications of a 0.05% tretinoin cream, or with once-daily applications of a vehicle control cream. When minoxidil was coadministered with tretinoin cream, minoxidil absorption was increased nearly threefold, compared with a 1.3-fold increase in absorption observed with coadministration of vehicle control cream. Transepidermal water loss measurements, which are sensitive to changes in stratum corneum function, were also significantly increased with tretinoin. No treatment-related changes in stratum corneum thickness were observed on the basis of skin biopsy analysis. The findings indicate that percutaneous minoxidil absorption is enhanced by tretinoin as a result of increased stratum corneum permeability.

Quello che non capisco è se aumenta l'assorbimento del minoxidil a livello ematico. Per questo sarebbe interessante leggere tutto l'articolo. Nel caso un minoxidil 5% con tretinoina sarebbe forse eccessivo...
Che dite??


5 Settembre 2005
Vi incollo un vecchio articolo in inglese, o meglio l'abstract, sarebbe interessatne se qualcuno lo potesse postare leggere quello integrale
I coda all'articolo i miei dubbi...

Nineteen healthy male volunteers completed a three-way, randomized, crossover study to determine the effect of the synthetic retinoid, tretinoin, on percutaneous absorption of minoxidil. Subjects received, for 20 days, twice-daily administrations of 1 ml of an aqueous 2% topical minoxidil solution either alone, with once-daily applications of a 0.05% tretinoin cream, or with once-daily applications of a vehicle control cream. When minoxidil was coadministered with tretinoin cream, minoxidil absorption was increased nearly threefold, compared with a 1.3-fold increase in absorption observed with coadministration of vehicle control cream. Transepidermal water loss measurements, which are sensitive to changes in stratum corneum function, were also significantly increased with tretinoin. No treatment-related changes in stratum corneum thickness were observed on the basis of skin biopsy analysis. The findings indicate that percutaneous minoxidil absorption is enhanced by tretinoin as a result of increased stratum corneum permeability.

Quello che non capisco è se aumenta l'assorbimento del minoxidil a livello ematico. Per questo sarebbe interessante leggere tutto l'articolo. Nel caso un minoxidil 5% con tretinoina sarebbe forse eccessivo...
Che dite??


5 Settembre 2005
Vi incollo un vecchio articolo in inglese, o meglio l'abstract, sarebbe interessatne se qualcuno lo potesse postare leggere quello integrale
I coda all'articolo i miei dubbi...

Nineteen healthy male volunteers completed a three-way, randomized, crossover study to determine the effect of the synthetic retinoid, tretinoin, on percutaneous absorption of minoxidil. Subjects received, for 20 days, twice-daily administrations of 1 ml of an aqueous 2% topical minoxidil solution either alone, with once-daily applications of a 0.05% tretinoin cream, or with once-daily applications of a vehicle control cream. When minoxidil was coadministered with tretinoin cream, minoxidil absorption was increased nearly threefold, compared with a 1.3-fold increase in absorption observed with coadministration of vehicle control cream. Transepidermal water loss measurements, which are sensitive to changes in stratum corneum function, were also significantly increased with tretinoin. No treatment-related changes in stratum corneum thickness were observed on the basis of skin biopsy analysis. The findings indicate that percutaneous minoxidil absorption is enhanced by tretinoin as a result of increased stratum corneum permeability.

Quello che non capisco è se aumenta l'assorbimento del minoxidil a livello ematico. Per questo sarebbe interessante leggere tutto l'articolo. Nel caso un minoxidil 5% con tretinoina sarebbe forse eccessivo...
Che dite??