Dico che dovresti stare attento a utilizzare queste cose. Lascia fare a quelli in USA poi vedrai se è il caso.
Ho letto infatti che questa dritta non è nuova e che c'è chi l'ha già scartata per i sides:
this has been popular on the black hair care forums for some time now.. lots of people have experimented with this and there has been too many side effects reported... (google it and see)... the mn (abbreviated ingredient in monistat) is too risky to be continually putting on scalp and lots of people have abandoned this method.... I was about to try it, but thankfully never did!
(eravamo nell'aprile 2006....)
MA - r l i n
Ho letto infatti che questa dritta non è nuova e che c'è chi l'ha già scartata per i sides:
this has been popular on the black hair care forums for some time now.. lots of people have experimented with this and there has been too many side effects reported... (google it and see)... the mn (abbreviated ingredient in monistat) is too risky to be continually putting on scalp and lots of people have abandoned this method.... I was about to try it, but thankfully never did!
(eravamo nell'aprile 2006....)
MA - r l i n