bombe di mitzu

24 Maggio 2003
vi mancavano eh?!

testimonianza su internet
over the past 5 years or so my hairline has been receeding prematurely for my age (29). i just got back into lifting about 18 months ago. at that time i also started taking creatine and yohimbee. over the past 6 months or so, my receeding hairline is coming back, a little at first and seemingly suddenly over the past month or so. is there any connection to hair growth and the suppliments im taking or hairgrowth and general over all fitness? in all seriousness, this isnt one of those bull**** my penis is growing from creatine posts, i have pictures to prove it. any connection or am i just lucky?

EFFECT OF THE DUAL 5a-REDUCTASE INHIBITOR DUTASTERIDE ON ENDOCRINE PARAMETERS Claus G Roehrborn*, Dallas, TX; Gerald L Andriole, St Louis, MO; Curtis Nickel, Ontario, Canada; Peter Boyle, Milan, Italy

Introduction and Objectives: Inhibition of the 5a-reductase type II isoenzyme causes a reduction in circulating levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Effects on other hormones such as testosterone (T) and luteinizing hormone (LH) have not been well characterized. Our objectives were to study the impact of dutasteride (D), a dual inhibitor of 5a-reductase types I and II, on circulating androgenic hormones.

Methods: Three 2-year multi-center, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies were conducted (n = 4325);D was administered at a dose of 0.5 mg/day. Inclusion criteria were: moderate to severe symptoms (AUA-SI ³ 12); prostate volume ³ 30 ml; PSA ³ 1.5 ng/ml to £ 10.0 ng/ml; and maximum flow rate (Qmax) £ 15 ml/sec. DHT and T were measured in the 3 studies in a subset of the total patient population at baseline, 1, 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months and in all patients at baseline, month 12 and 24. LH was measured in all patients in 1 of the 3 studies at months 6, 12, 18 and 24.

Results: The table shows the median % change from baseline for DHT, T and LH at each timepoint. The overall median%change from baseline in D-treated subjects for DHT at month 24 was -93.7% (SD=17) and for T 19.6% (SD=40); LH increased by 21.2% (SD=161). The decrease in DHT for D-treated subjects was predictable with 97% of the subjects achieving at least a 70% reduction, 95% achieving at least an 80% reduction, and 81% achieving at least a 90% reduction at month 24. The changes in LH and T were small and not regarded as clinically significant.

Conclusions: The new dual 5a-reductase inhibitor D induces early hormonal changes with
24 Maggio 2003
vi mancavano eh?!

testimonianza su internet
over the past 5 years or so my hairline has been receeding prematurely for my age (29). i just got back into lifting about 18 months ago. at that time i also started taking creatine and yohimbee. over the past 6 months or so, my receeding hairline is coming back, a little at first and seemingly suddenly over the past month or so. is there any connection to hair growth and the suppliments im taking or hairgrowth and general over all fitness? in all seriousness, this isnt one of those bull**** my penis is growing from creatine posts, i have pictures to prove it. any connection or am i just lucky?

EFFECT OF THE DUAL 5a-REDUCTASE INHIBITOR DUTASTERIDE ON ENDOCRINE PARAMETERS Claus G Roehrborn*, Dallas, TX; Gerald L Andriole, St Louis, MO; Curtis Nickel, Ontario, Canada; Peter Boyle, Milan, Italy

Introduction and Objectives: Inhibition of the 5a-reductase type II isoenzyme causes a reduction in circulating levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Effects on other hormones such as testosterone (T) and luteinizing hormone (LH) have not been well characterized. Our objectives were to study the impact of dutasteride (D), a dual inhibitor of 5a-reductase types I and II, on circulating androgenic hormones.

Methods: Three 2-year multi-center, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies were conducted (n = 4325);D was administered at a dose of 0.5 mg/day. Inclusion criteria were: moderate to severe symptoms (AUA-SI ³ 12); prostate volume ³ 30 ml; PSA ³ 1.5 ng/ml to £ 10.0 ng/ml; and maximum flow rate (Qmax) £ 15 ml/sec. DHT and T were measured in the 3 studies in a subset of the total patient population at baseline, 1, 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months and in all patients at baseline, month 12 and 24. LH was measured in all patients in 1 of the 3 studies at months 6, 12, 18 and 24.

Results: The table shows the median % change from baseline for DHT, T and LH at each timepoint. The overall median%change from baseline in D-treated subjects for DHT at month 24 was -93.7% (SD=17) and for T 19.6% (SD=40); LH increased by 21.2% (SD=161). The decrease in DHT for D-treated subjects was predictable with 97% of the subjects achieving at least a 70% reduction, 95% achieving at least an 80% reduction, and 81% achieving at least a 90% reduction at month 24. The changes in LH and T were small and not regarded as clinically significant.

Conclusions: The new dual 5a-reductase inhibitor D induces early hormonal changes with
24 Maggio 2003
vi mancavano eh?!

testimonianza su internet
over the past 5 years or so my hairline has been receeding prematurely for my age (29). i just got back into lifting about 18 months ago. at that time i also started taking creatine and yohimbee. over the past 6 months or so, my receeding hairline is coming back, a little at first and seemingly suddenly over the past month or so. is there any connection to hair growth and the suppliments im taking or hairgrowth and general over all fitness? in all seriousness, this isnt one of those bull**** my penis is growing from creatine posts, i have pictures to prove it. any connection or am i just lucky?

EFFECT OF THE DUAL 5a-REDUCTASE INHIBITOR DUTASTERIDE ON ENDOCRINE PARAMETERS Claus G Roehrborn*, Dallas, TX; Gerald L Andriole, St Louis, MO; Curtis Nickel, Ontario, Canada; Peter Boyle, Milan, Italy

Introduction and Objectives: Inhibition of the 5a-reductase type II isoenzyme causes a reduction in circulating levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Effects on other hormones such as testosterone (T) and luteinizing hormone (LH) have not been well characterized. Our objectives were to study the impact of dutasteride (D), a dual inhibitor of 5a-reductase types I and II, on circulating androgenic hormones.

Methods: Three 2-year multi-center, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies were conducted (n = 4325);D was administered at a dose of 0.5 mg/day. Inclusion criteria were: moderate to severe symptoms (AUA-SI ³ 12); prostate volume ³ 30 ml; PSA ³ 1.5 ng/ml to £ 10.0 ng/ml; and maximum flow rate (Qmax) £ 15 ml/sec. DHT and T were measured in the 3 studies in a subset of the total patient population at baseline, 1, 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months and in all patients at baseline, month 12 and 24. LH was measured in all patients in 1 of the 3 studies at months 6, 12, 18 and 24.

Results: The table shows the median % change from baseline for DHT, T and LH at each timepoint. The overall median%change from baseline in D-treated subjects for DHT at month 24 was -93.7% (SD=17) and for T 19.6% (SD=40); LH increased by 21.2% (SD=161). The decrease in DHT for D-treated subjects was predictable with 97% of the subjects achieving at least a 70% reduction, 95% achieving at least an 80% reduction, and 81% achieving at least a 90% reduction at month 24. The changes in LH and T were small and not regarded as clinically significant.

Conclusions: The new dual 5a-reductase inhibitor D induces early hormonal changes with


5 Settembre 2003
per chi nn mastica l'inglese ecco la traduzione di altavista:

Testimonianza su internet

In questi ultimi 5 anni o così la mia linea sottile receeding prematuramente per la mia età (29). ho ottenuto appena nuovamente dentro il sollevamento circa 18 mesi fa a quel tempo ch'inoltre ho cominciato prendere la creatina e yohimbee. in questi ultimi 6 mesi o così, la mia linea sottile receeding è ritornare, poco ad in primo luogo ed apparentemente improvvisamente eccedenza il mese passato o così è là del collegamento a sviluppo dei capelli ed i suppliments presa di im o hairgrowth e General sopra tutta la idoneità? in tutta la serietà, questo isnt uno dei quei penis my del **** del toro sta sviluppandosi da creatine alberini, ho immagini per dimostrarle tutto il collegamento o sono appena fortunato? EFFETTO 5a-REDUCTASE DELL'INIBITORE DOPPIO DUTASTERIDE SUI PARAMETRI Claus G Roehrborn dell'ENDOCRINO *, Dallas, TX; Gerald L Andriole, St. Louis, Mo; Nichel Di Curtis, Ontario, Canada; Peter Boyle, Milano, Italia Introduzione ed obiettivi: L'inibizione 5a-reductase del tipo isoenzima di II causa una riduzione dei livelli circolanti del dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Gli effetti su altri ormoni quali il testoterone (t) e l'ormone luteinizing (LH) non sono stati caratterizzati bene. I nostri obiettivi erano studiare l'effetto del dutasteride (d), un inibitore doppio di 5a-reductase scrive la I ed II, sul fare circolare gli ormoni androgeni. Metodi: Tre il multi-center di due anni, studi double-blind e placebo-controllati è stato condotto (n = 4325);D sono stati amministrati ad una dose di 0.5 mg/day. I test di verifica dell'inclusione erano: moderi ai sintomi severi (³ 12 di AUA-SI); ³ del volume della prostata 30 ml; ³ 1.5 ng/ml di PSA a £ 10.0 ng/ml; e £ massimo 15 ml/sec di portata (Qmax). DHT e la T sono stati misurati nei 3 studi in un sottoinsieme della popolazione paziente totale 1, 3, 6, 12, 18 e 24 ai mesi della linea di base, ed in tutti i pazienti alla linea di base, mesi 12 e 24. Il LH è stato misurato in tutti i pazienti in 1 dei 3 studi ai mesi 6, 12, 18 e 24. Risultati: La tabella mostra i % mediani del cambiamento dalla linea di base per DHT, la T ed il LH ad ogni timepoint. Il median%change generale dalla linea di base negli individui D-trattati per DHT al mese 24 era -93.7% (SD=17) e per la T 19.6% (SD=40); Il LH è aumentato di 21.2% (SD=161). La diminuzione in DHT per gli individui D-trattati era prevedibile con 97% degli oggetti che realizzano


28 Giugno 2003
Complimenti per il lavoro, Mitzo!!!


19 Aprile 2004
Non farci penzolare dalle tue labbra... dicci qualcosa di più Signore della Guerra! Un indizio...almeno... :)


22 Luglio 2003
Vediamo se ci arrivo, duta in lozione??
Oppure preparazione artigianale di ps1, epimorfina o tb4??

Dai non tenerci sulle spine!!

Tra un po' se non ho qualcosa di nuovo mi buttero' sull'androcur.....e' triste dirlo ma penso che prima o poi....faro' questa cazzata......



6 Maggio 2003
ah si il piliel... poi hanno fatto una versione inutile col fns.
ma ci dai la formula per farlo?