Altro studio interessante

sergio di rio

29 Ottobre 2003
Hair follicle dermal cells differentiate into adipogenic and
osteogenic lineages.

Jahoda CA, Whitehouse J, Reynolds AJ, Hole N.

School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, University of Durham,
Durham, UK.

The adult hair follicle dermal papilla (DP) and dermal sheath (DS)
cells are developmentally active cell populations with a proven role in
adult hair follicle-cycling activity and unique inductive powers. In
stem cell biology, the hair follicle epithelium has recently been the
subject of a great deal of investigation, but up to now, the follicle
dermis has been largely overlooked as a source of stem cells. Following
the sporadic appearance of muscle, lipid and bone-type cells in
discretely isolated follicle DP and DS cell primary cultures, we
demonstrated that cultured papilla and sheath cell lines were capable of
being directed to lipid and bone differentiation. Subsequently, for the
first time, we produced clonal DP and DS lines that had extended
proliferative capabilities. Dye exclusion has been reported to be an
identifying feature of stem cells; therefore, clonal papilla and sheath
lines with differing capacity to exclude rhodamine 123 were cultured in
medium known to induce adipocyte and osteocyte differentiation. Both DS-
and DP-derived clones showed the capacity to make lipid and to produce
calcified material; however, different clones had varied behaviour and
there was no obvious correlation between their stem cell capabilities
and dye exclusion or selected gene expression markers. As a highly
accessible source, capable of being discretely isolated, the follicle
has important potentially as a stem cell source for tissue engineering
and cell therapy purposes. It will also be interesting to compare
follicle dermal stem cell properties with the broader stem cell
capabilities discovered in skin dermis and investigate whether, as we
believe, the follicle is a key dermal stem cell niche. Finally, the
discovery of stem cells in the dermis may have implications for certain
pathologies in which abnormal differentiation occurs in the skin.

PMID: 14714566 [PubMed - in process]

sergio di rio

29 Ottobre 2003
Hair follicle dermal cells differentiate into adipogenic and
osteogenic lineages.

Jahoda CA, Whitehouse J, Reynolds AJ, Hole N.

School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, University of Durham,
Durham, UK.

The adult hair follicle dermal papilla (DP) and dermal sheath (DS)
cells are developmentally active cell populations with a proven role in
adult hair follicle-cycling activity and unique inductive powers. In
stem cell biology, the hair follicle epithelium has recently been the
subject of a great deal of investigation, but up to now, the follicle
dermis has been largely overlooked as a source of stem cells. Following
the sporadic appearance of muscle, lipid and bone-type cells in
discretely isolated follicle DP and DS cell primary cultures, we
demonstrated that cultured papilla and sheath cell lines were capable of
being directed to lipid and bone differentiation. Subsequently, for the
first time, we produced clonal DP and DS lines that had extended
proliferative capabilities. Dye exclusion has been reported to be an
identifying feature of stem cells; therefore, clonal papilla and sheath
lines with differing capacity to exclude rhodamine 123 were cultured in
medium known to induce adipocyte and osteocyte differentiation. Both DS-
and DP-derived clones showed the capacity to make lipid and to produce
calcified material; however, different clones had varied behaviour and
there was no obvious correlation between their stem cell capabilities
and dye exclusion or selected gene expression markers. As a highly
accessible source, capable of being discretely isolated, the follicle
has important potentially as a stem cell source for tissue engineering
and cell therapy purposes. It will also be interesting to compare
follicle dermal stem cell properties with the broader stem cell
capabilities discovered in skin dermis and investigate whether, as we
believe, the follicle is a key dermal stem cell niche. Finally, the
discovery of stem cells in the dermis may have implications for certain
pathologies in which abnormal differentiation occurs in the skin.

PMID: 14714566 [PubMed - in process]

sergio di rio

29 Ottobre 2003
Hair follicle dermal cells differentiate into adipogenic and
osteogenic lineages.

Jahoda CA, Whitehouse J, Reynolds AJ, Hole N.

School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, University of Durham,
Durham, UK.

The adult hair follicle dermal papilla (DP) and dermal sheath (DS)
cells are developmentally active cell populations with a proven role in
adult hair follicle-cycling activity and unique inductive powers. In
stem cell biology, the hair follicle epithelium has recently been the
subject of a great deal of investigation, but up to now, the follicle
dermis has been largely overlooked as a source of stem cells. Following
the sporadic appearance of muscle, lipid and bone-type cells in
discretely isolated follicle DP and DS cell primary cultures, we
demonstrated that cultured papilla and sheath cell lines were capable of
being directed to lipid and bone differentiation. Subsequently, for the
first time, we produced clonal DP and DS lines that had extended
proliferative capabilities. Dye exclusion has been reported to be an
identifying feature of stem cells; therefore, clonal papilla and sheath
lines with differing capacity to exclude rhodamine 123 were cultured in
medium known to induce adipocyte and osteocyte differentiation. Both DS-
and DP-derived clones showed the capacity to make lipid and to produce
calcified material; however, different clones had varied behaviour and
there was no obvious correlation between their stem cell capabilities
and dye exclusion or selected gene expression markers. As a highly
accessible source, capable of being discretely isolated, the follicle
has important potentially as a stem cell source for tissue engineering
and cell therapy purposes. It will also be interesting to compare
follicle dermal stem cell properties with the broader stem cell
capabilities discovered in skin dermis and investigate whether, as we
believe, the follicle is a key dermal stem cell niche. Finally, the
discovery of stem cells in the dermis may have implications for certain
pathologies in which abnormal differentiation occurs in the skin.

PMID: 14714566 [PubMed - in process]


7 Maggio 2003
Traduzione integrale

Babel Fish Aiuto

Le cellule cutanee del follicolo dei capelli differenziano nei lineages adipogenic ed osteogenic. Jahoda Ca, Whitehouse J, Reynolds AJ, Foro N. Scuola delle scienze biologiche e biomediche, università di Durham, Durham, Regno Unito. Il papilla cutaneo del follicolo dei capelli dell'adulto (DP) e le cellule cutanee del fodero (DS) sono popolazioni inerente allo sviluppo attive delle cellule con un ruolo provato nell'attività follicolo-ciclante dei capelli dell'adulto e nelle alimentazioni induttive uniche. Nella biologia della cellula formativa, l'epitelio del follicolo dei capelli recentemente è stato l'argomento di moltissima ricerca, ma finora, il derma del follicolo in gran parte è stato trascurato come fonte delle cellule formative. A seguito dell'apparenza sporadica del muscolo, del lipido e del osso-tipo cellule in colture primarie del follicolo di cellule discretely isolate di DP e di DS, abbiamo dimostrato che le linee coltivate delle cellule del fodero e del papilla erano capaci di essere diretto verso la differenziazione dell'osso e del lipido. Successivamente, per il primo
abbiamo prodotto le linee clonali di DS e di DP che avevano esteso le possibilità proliferative. L'esclusione della tintura è stata segnalata per essere una caratteristica identificante delle cellule formative; quindi, il papilla e le linee clonali del fodero con capacità differente di escludere la rodamina 123 sono stati coltivati nel mezzo conosciuto per indurre la differenziazione del osteocyte e del adipocyte. Sia il DS- che DP-DERIVATO clona ha mostrato che la capacità di preparare il lipido e di produrre ha calcificato il materiale; tuttavia, differente clona aveva variato il comportamento e non ci era correlazione evidente fra le loro possibilità della cellula formativa ed esclusione della tintura o indicatori selezionati di espressione del gene. Poichè una fonte altamente accessibile, capace discretely di isolamento, il follicolo ha importante potenzialmente come fonte della cellula formativa per gli scopi di terapia di ingegneria e delle cellule del tessuto. Inoltre sarà interessante da paragonare le proprietà cutanee della cellula formativa del follicolo alle più vaste possibilità della cellula formativa scoperte nel derma della pelle e da studiare se, come crediamo, il follicolo è un posticino cutaneo chiave della cellula formativa. Per concludere, la scoperta delle cellule formative nel derma può avere implicazio