giuseppe1954 ha scritto:
TRICHOSOL TM is an intelligent Phyto acting physiologically
The usual vehicles can irritate the scalp, because it contains alcohol, propylene glycol or aggressive surfactants. Cause dryness, itching or dandruff, in addition to altering the hydrolipidic. They can also interact with the active ingredients. Fagron has developed the new line of vehicles TrichoConceptTM. This innovative range has TrichoTechTM patented technology, intelligent fitocomplejo standardized extracted from the mountains of Brazil crops. It acts physiologically throughout the capillary system: bulb, scalp and hair.
Mechanism of action:
Modulates gene expression of growth factors in fibroblasts Neogene phase.
It stimulates fibroblast proliferation by increasing the number of cells in S / G2 / M.
25-30% increases collagen synthesis.
Moisturizes, regulates excess sebum and soothes itching.
Grazie mille per la descrizione!
In effetti è un veicolo molto delicato e lo posso confermare.
Rimane solo da capire l'efficacia nel far assorbire il minoxidil sul cuoio capelluto ma questo lo scopriremo solo vivendo!
I primi 6/7 mesi di cura il minoxidil mi aveva fatto miracoli. Poi prurito e irritazione e la caduta è ricomparsa. Speriamo sia stata dovuta in parte soltanto al glicole
Buona serata!