Studio datato 2009...;year=2009;volume=1;issue=2;spage=131;epage=133;aulast=Krupa
Conclusions: Fifty-eight percent of the male population aged 30-50 years had AGA. Its grade increased with increase in age. 12.9% of the male population had grades IV to VI, and would benefit from hair transplantation while 44.1% had grades I to III and are potential candidates for medical treatment
Si parla del 55% degli uomini con età compresa tra i 30 e i 50 anni. Come vedete siamo in tanti...siamo quasi la normalità. Non scoraggiamoci ed evitiamo di considerarci diversi...[];year=2009;volume=1;issue=2;spage=131;epage=133;aulast=Krupa
Conclusions: Fifty-eight percent of the male population aged 30-50 years had AGA. Its grade increased with increase in age. 12.9% of the male population had grades IV to VI, and would benefit from hair transplantation while 44.1% had grades I to III and are potential candidates for medical treatment
Si parla del 55% degli uomini con età compresa tra i 30 e i 50 anni. Come vedete siamo in tanti...siamo quasi la normalità. Non scoraggiamoci ed evitiamo di considerarci diversi...[]