Nuovo studio x Marlin


15 Giugno 2009
MArlin volevo sapere cosa ne pensi di questa ricerca:

J Invest Dermatol. 2012 Jun;132(6):1554-60. doi: 10.1038/jid.2012.24. Epub 2012 Feb 23.
Dickkopf 1 promotes regression of hair follicles.

Kwack MH, Kim MK, Kim JC, Sung YK.

Department of Immunology, School of Medicine, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea.


Recently, we suggested that Dickkopf 1 (DKK-1) is a pathogenic mediator involved in male pattern baldness. As premature catagen onset is a key characteristic of male pattern baldness, in this study, we evaluated whether DKK-1 has a role as a catagen inducer in hair cycling. Herein, we report that recombinant human DKK-1 (rhDKK-1) injection into the hypodermis of mice during anagen caused premature onset of catagen, whereas neutralizing DKK-1 antibody delayed anagen-to-catagen transition in mice. Moreover, treatment with rhDKK-1 led to a decrease in final hair follicle length, whereas DKK-1 antibody led to an increase compared with control animals. In addition, DKK-1 and DKK-1 messenger RNA expression is most upregulated in follicular keratinocytes of late anagen in depilation-induced hair cycle progression. Moreover, we observed that rhDKK-1 blocks canonical Wnt-mediated activation of â-catenin signaling and induces the proapoptotic protein Bax, resulting in apoptosis in outer root sheath keratinocytes. Taken together, our data strongly suggest that DKK-1 is involved in anagen-to-catagen transition in the hair cycle by regulating the activity of follicular keratinocytes.

Dihydrotestosterone-Inducible Dickkopf 1 from Balding Dermal Papilla Cells Causes Apoptosis in Follicular Keratinocytes

Recent studies suggest that androgen-driven alteration to the autocrine and paracrine factors produced by scalp dermal papilla (DP) cells may be a key to androgen-potentiated balding. Here, we screened dihydrotestosterone (DHT)-regulated genes in balding DP cells and found that dickkopf 1 (DKK-1) is one of the most upregulated genes. DKK-1 messenger RNA is upregulated in 3–6#8201;hours after 50–100#8201;nM DHT treatment and ELISA showed that DKK-1 is secreted from DP cells in response to DHT. A co-culture system using outer root sheath (ORS) keratinocytes and DP cells showed that DHT inhibits the growth of ORS cells, and neutralizing antibody against DKK-1 significantly reversed the growth inhibition of ORS cells. Analysis of co-cultured ORS cells showed a significant increment of sub-G1 apoptotic cells in response to DHT. Also, recombinant human DKK-1 inhibited the growth of ORS cells and triggered apoptotic cell death. In addition, DHT-induced epithelial cell death in cultured hair follicles was reversed by neutralizing DKK-1 antibody. Moreover, immunoblotting showed that the DKK-1 level is up in the bald scalp compared with the haired scalp of patients with androgenetic alopecia. Altogether, our data strongly suggest that DHT-inducible DKK-1 is involved in DHT-driven balding.


9 Maggio 2004
Forse vuoi sapere cosa ne pensavo, visto che il collegamento tra DDK-1 e aga è vecchio di alcuni anni...[:)]

Diciamo che prima delle PGD2 si era parlato a lungo del fatto che il Dickkopf bloccasse il percorso WNT/betacatenina e pareva che con questo il cerchio si chiudesse. Tuttavia il migliore studio che ho letto sulle cause dell'aga mostrava che c'è qualcosa che non va proprio nel terminare il percorso WNT/betacatenina, ma nei soli capelli con aga (cosa che per me, portando al cuore del problema, suona come altamente affidabile).


MA - r l i n


15 Giugno 2009
ok ok :) siccome lo studio era recente volevo sapere che ne pensavi...quindi pensi che sia più interessante la questione delle PGD2?



9 Maggio 2004
Sì diciamo che col DKK-1 abbiamo già dato...[:)], ma comunque poi le cose dovrebbero auspicabilmente ricongiungersi (nel senso che il DHT fa questo e quello e tanto altro...) l'unica è trovare la leva giusta che inverta il processo senza dare sides se non minori.


MA - r l i n