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"Therefore, our results suggest that KY19382 may be useful for treatment of hair loss and baldness via its effective dual targeting ability to inhibit both GSK-3β and CXXC5-Dvl interaction."
"Therefore, our results suggest that KY19382 may be useful for treatment of hair loss and baldness via its effective dual targeting ability to inhibit both GSK-3β and CXXC5-Dvl interaction."
KY19382, a novel activator of Wnt/β-catenin signaling, promotes hair re-growth and hair follicle neogenesis
Background and Purpose: The promotion of hair regeneration and growth heavily depends on the activation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling in the hair follicle including dermal papilla (DP). KY19382, one of the newly synthesized analogs of indirubin-3’-monoxi
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