Le fibre sono di origine vegetale....quindi frutta, verdura, legumi e cereali. I grassi saturi non coincidono con quelli animali, comunque se eviti i grassi saturi i tessuti sono a rischio, nel senso che sono loro che tengono compatti i tessuti e devono essere maggioritari nelle membrane cellulari, altrimenti si ossidano e si indeboliscono (effetto invecchiamento), del resto anche noi siamo degli animali e quindi non potrebbe essere diversamente....
Marlin, è possibile avere un pò di references su quello che hai detto circa i grassi saturi? Ho trovato questo , che un pò dice che i grassi saturi possono essere sintetizzati dal corpo ma dice di mangiarli comunque.....
Fat is a major source of fuel energy for the body and aids in the
absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and carotenoids. Neither an
Adequate Intake (AI) nor Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)
is set for total fat because there are insufficient data to determine
a defined level of fat intake at which risk of inadequacy or prevention
of chronic disease occurs. An Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution
Range (AMDR), however, has been estimated for total fat—it
is 20 to 35 percent of energy. A Tolerable Upper
Intake Level (UL) is not set for total fat because there is no
defined intake level of fat at which an adverse effect occurs.
Saturated fatty acids are synthesized by the body to provide an
adequate level needed for their physiological and structural functions;
they have no known role in preventing chronic diseases.
Therefore, neither an AI nor RDA is set for saturated fatty acids.
There is a positive linear trend between total saturated fatty acid
intake and total and low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol
concentration and increased risk of coronary heart disease (CHD).
A UL is not set for saturated fatty acids because any incremental
increase in saturated fatty acid intake increases CHD risk. It is
neither possible nor advisable to achieve 0 percent of energy from
saturated fatty acids in typical whole-food diets. This is because all
fat and oil sources are mixtures of fatty acids, and consuming
0 percent of energy would require extraordinary changes in patterns
of dietary intake. Such extraordinary adjustments may introduce
undesirable effects
In particolare consiglia di mangiare grassi saturi altrimenti si rischia di perdere proteine , vitamine etc collegate nel cibo.
Solo per quello?